search for: 650gb

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "650gb".

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2006 Apr 04
OS X - Free space reporting issues.
We are putting into production a new samba server(s) with a combined storage pool of several TB's of space. One of the problems we encountered was that OS X ( 10.4.5 ) reported free space incorrectly on very large values ( 650gb in our case ). It would report the free space as doubled for no apparent reason ( probably because it presumes values over a specific amount are 2k blocks rather than 1k ). We were able to overcome the problem by stating a block size for the share larger than 1024. In our case we used "bloc...
2009 Oct 08
zfs send/receive performance concern
I am running zfs send/receive on a ~1.2Tb zfs spread across 10x200Gb LUNs. Has copied only 650Gb in ~42Hrs. Source pool and destination pool are from the same storage sub system. Last time when ran, took ~20Hrs. Something is terribly wrong here. What do i need to look to figure out the reason? ran zpool iostat and iostat on the given pool for some clue. but still in a state of confusion no...
2008 Aug 13
DRBD 8.2 crashes CentOS 5.2 on rsync from remote host
I've got a pair of HA servers I'm trying to get into production. Here are some specs : Xeon X3210 Quad Core (aka Core 2 Quad) 2.13Ghz (four logical processors, no Hyper Threading) 4GB memory Hardware (3ware) Raid 1 mirror, 2 x Seagate 750GB SATA2 650GB DRBD partition run on top of an LVM2 partition. CentOS 5.2 DRBD 8.2 (drbd82-8.2.6-1.el5.centos) Kernel Module I've been trying to rsync data from a remote server and it's crashed a couple of times now. It does...
2013 Aug 24
Help interpreting RAID1 space allocation
...and copied a small amount of data. Once verifying that the space was used, I hotplugged the second original drive, which was detected and added back to the volume (showing up in a filesystem show instead of missing). I then tried to copy over more data than a RAID1 should be expected to hold (~650GB onto 2 x 500GB disks in RAID1), got out of space reported as expected. I then deleted all data from the volume (did not recreate the filesystem), and copied just over 300GB of data onto the volume, which is the current state. Only as I was typing this up did I notice that the mount options stil...