Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "39.0".
Did you mean:
2001 Sep 05
Bug in ftable?? (Was: Two-way tables of data, etc)
Further to the discussion between Murray Jorgensen and Brian Ripley,
it seems to me better to choose tabulations that will not come and bite
you. Suppose your data are sligtly irregular, e.g. (for the sake of
the argument):
data( warpbreaks )
warpbreaks$variant <- rep( 1:5, len=54 )
attach( warpbreaks )
tb <- table( wool, tension, variant )
# in this case you would like to see:
2001 Sep 05
Bug in ftable?? (Was: Two-way tables of data, etc)
Further to the discussion between Murray Jorgensen and Brian Ripley,
it seems to me better to choose tabulations that will not come and bite
you. Suppose your data are sligtly irregular, e.g. (for the sake of
the argument):
data( warpbreaks )
warpbreaks$variant <- rep( 1:5, len=54 )
attach( warpbreaks )
tb <- table( wool, tension, variant )
# in this case you would like to see:
2010 Sep 20
invalid 'row.names' length error when running scatterplots or plot in R Commander
I teach statistics and use R Commander for teaching. I have 2 students
out of 169 that can't get scatterplots or plot to work. I have had them
update packages, restart R/R Commander/their computers and even
reinstall R/R Commander. One is using Windows 7 on a new pc and the
other is a pc user (not sure the OS). They are both using R2.11.1 and R
Commander 1.6-0.
The data look like
2008 Feb 15
wire.frame tick labels from matrix
Dear R Users, close to the end of this I used wireframe to create a 3D plot
from a matrix. The x and y axis tick labels (1-6) for each were created
from the matrix being a 6X6 matrix. I need the axis tick labels to be the
row and column headings which you can see in the output (mat.x). I have
tried several work arounds, but they have not been successful.
Thanks in advance. keith
2000 Dec 28
Dynamic Memory Allocation Errors in 1.2.0?
Let me first say I'm new to R and new to this mail list, so I apologize
ahead if this issue has already been discussed here.
The dynamic memory allocation of 1.2.0 seems to be an improvement over the
static allocation of 1.1.1. However, I have run across at least one case
where the dynamic allocation might be corrupting my results. I am
interested in calculating the 95% confidence margins of
2008 Feb 07
Megatec serial UPS woes
This is the weirdest problem I have found for a long time!
Using nut-2.0.5 and a Gentoo powered HP Proliant ML350
I setup the config files just the same as I always do and tried to get the
megatec driver chatting to the UPS. It worked fine on a Windoze server with
Upsilon2000 so I have a bit of confidence in cable etc!
When I ran upsc after starting upsd to complained about stale data! Most
2006 Mar 02
Curious subsetting behavior
I have a simple vector, called tmp that I want to subset based on another
vector called vec. Everything works as expected except for below where the
subsetting returns something other than the original data. Any ideas?
> vec <- c(1,2,3,4,5,59,60,27,32,21)
> tmp
[1] 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 4.0 5.0 5.1 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.1
[16] 9.1 9.2 10.0 10.1 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
2013 Mar 12
split data into columns from dataframe
Dear r-users,
Originally my data is in notepad. I use data.frame(...) to convert the data into columns but it has no header. The data below is what I got in R. I would like to extract these data:
19710629 39.3 19701126
19720629 33.8 19720517
when I use data2_30min[1, cbind(1,3,5)] command the result is NULL.
Then I tried data2_30min[1], it gives me the whole set of
2013 Sep 25
ayuda con aggregate
Hola Juan.
¿Si yo en vez de querer obtener la media quiero sacar el porcentaje de
casos que son menores que la media como lo haría?
El 17 de septiembre de 2013 03:34, Joan Carmona
> Hola Sebastián,
> Qué tal así:?
> t<-data.frame(A=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),B=c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5),C=c(1,1,1,1
2009 Nov 16
lmomco package and confidence limits?
I am using the lmomco package (lmom.ub and pargev) to compute the GEV
parameters (location, scale, and shape), which are used to estimate
return values. I was wondering how/if I can calculate upper and lower
confidence (CI_u, CI_l) intervals for each return frequency using the
GEV parameters to fill-in the table below?
Xi (location) = 35.396
Alpha (scale) = 1.726
Kappa (shape) =
2008 Jan 01
if statement problem
Hi All,
I have a small dataset named das (43 cases) in which I am trying to
create a binary outcome (1/0) based on the following code:
if (das$age>65 && das$bmi>30) {das$danger<-1} else das$danger<-0
I am setting a flag called 'danger' to 1 of the subject is over 65
and has a BMI > 30.
I find that my statement evaluates the first record in the data.frame
2009 Oct 19
access elements of summary.aov?
Dear all
How do I access individual elements of a "summary.aov" object?
> data(iris)
> AnovaModel.1 <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data=iris)
> tmp <- summary(AnovaModel.1)
> tmp
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Species 2 63.2 31.6 119 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 147 39.0 0.3
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01
2006 Mar 30
sig11 with 1.0.beta3 on openbsd-i386
i recently helped a friend of mine migrate from imap-uw using mboxes to
dovecot on top of Maildirs and came up against two issues. this is
quite embarrassing as ive been claiming dovecot is Solid As A Rock(tm)
and hasn't ever given me any issues.
1. if dovecot runs out of file descriptors it will loop forever trying
to open new logging pipes. the code in question is at line 624 of
2010 Jun 01
arrange data
Hi r-users,
I have a data below but I would like to rearrange my data so that it will be in the following format: year, month, day, rain. I also would like the data to be arranged so that it will be continues for example year 1939 it will go from january 1 to december 31 and continue with year 1940 from january 1st to 31st December and so on. What I have now is all january for all the years
2009 Jan 04
Lattice xyplot help please.
Hi -
I am not R expert and I would appreciate your time if you can help me
about my xyplot question.
I would like to add text (p-value) in a 4 panels xyplot. I thought
panel = function{} should work but I am not sure where I did it wrong.
The error message from the following code is
"Argument subscripts is missing with no default values"
xyplot(GLG ~ PD | factor(TRT) , groups =
2012 Nov 29
Help with this error "kernlab class probability calculations failed; returning NAs"
I have never been able to get class probabilities to work and I am relatively new to using these tools, and I am looking for some insight as to what may be wrong.
I am using caret with kernlab/ksvm. I will simplify my problem to a basic data set which produces the same problem. I have read the caret vignettes as well as documentation for ?train. I appreciate any direction you can give. I
2009 Apr 08
Doubt about aov and lm function... bug?
The below very strange:
# a) aov function
av <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data=iris)
# Error in parse(text = x) :
# unexpected symbol in "Sepal(Sepal.Length+Species)Length"
av <- aov(iris[, 1] ~ iris[, 5])
# summary(av)
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# iris[, 5] 2 63.2 31.6 119 <2e-16 ***
# Residuals 147 39.0 0.3
# ---
2013 Sep 26
ayuda con aggregate
Dentro del aggregate utilice un table, son cuatro los valores que puede
tomar la variable, ¿como puedo desarmar la lista y crear cuatro variables
nuevas donde le asigne 0 si no se da ese valor?
El 25 de septiembre de 2013 10:41, Jorge I Velez
> Sebastián,
> Una forma es
> aggregate(cbind(X1,X2) ~ B +
2007 Apr 11
raidz2 another resilver problem
Hello zfs-discuss,
One of a disk started to behave strangely.
Apr 11 16:07:42 thumper-9.srv sata: [ID 801593 kern.notice] NOTICE: /pci at 1,0/pci1022,7458 at 3/pci11ab,11ab at 1:
Apr 11 16:07:42 thumper-9.srv port 6: device reset
Apr 11 16:07:42 thumper-9.srv scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci at 1,0/pci1022,7458 at 3/pci11ab,11ab at 1/disk at 6,0 (sd27):
Apr 11 16:07:42 thumper-9.srv
2013 Aug 23
HP R1500 G3 UPS does not accept battery.charge.low value via upsrw
Hi there,
my HP R1500 G3 UPS doesn't apply my battery.charge.low value
i set via upsrw.
Is this a common problem with this model in nut 2.6.4?
Any ideas how to force the UPS to accept this value?
% upsc hp1500
battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 20
battery.charge.warning: 20
battery.runtime: 23917
battery.temperature: 49.0
battery.type: PbAc
battery.voltage: 39.0