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2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks, Pikal and Jim. Yes, it has been a long time Jim. I hope you have been well. Pikal, thanks. Your solution may be close to what I want. I did not know that I was posting in HTML. I just copied the data from Excel and posted in the email in Gmail. The data is still in Excel, because I have not yet figured out what is a good way to organize it in R. I am posting it again below as text. These
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Okay. Here is a modification that does four single line plots. at_df<-read.table(text= "Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current Bank_Savings Bank_NA $10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307 $25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891 $40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4 $75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74 62.17 24.61 11.48 1.746
2023 Jun 28
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi Anupam, Haven't heard from you in a long time. Perhaps you want something like this: at_df<-read.table(text= "Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current Bank_Savings Bank_NA $10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307 $25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891 $40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4 $75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74
2023 Jun 28
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hello, I want to plot the following kind of data (percentage of respondents from a survey) that varies by Income into many small *line* graphs in a panel of graphs. I want to omit "No Answer" categories. I want to see how each one of the categories (percentages), "None", " Equity", etc. varies by Income. How can I do this? How to organize the data well and how to
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Reposting the data did not help. We do not like to guess, and doing so takes a great deal of time that is likely wasted. Rows are observations. Columns are variables. In Excel, the first row will be variable names and all subsequent rows will be observations. Income is the first variable. It has seven states: $10, $25, $40, $75, >$75, "No", "Answer" MF is the second
2012 Nov 14
aggrete data from combination
Dear R users, A have a dataframe (matrix) with two collumns (plot, and diameter (d)). I want all diameters values for different combination of plots. For example I want all d values for all posible combination, 100C2 (all d values for plot 1 with all d values in the plot 2.......with all d values from plot 1 with all d values from plot 100, ...... with all d values from plot 99 with all d values
2005 Apr 20
make check failure -- R 2.1.0 Windows XP SP2
I compiled R 2.1.0 under Windows XP SP2 as a preliminary to rebuilding a custom package for use with R 2.1.0. The compile completed successfully, and I was able to run demo(graphics) successfully. But make check and make check-recommended fail. > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 2 minor 1.0 year 2005
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Anupa, I think your best bet with your data would be to tidy it up in Excel, read it into R using something like the readxl package and then supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where *mydata* is your data. Copy the output and paste it here. On Thu, 29 Jun 2023
2009 Jan 25
[LLVMdev] gfortran benchmarks
Since the fact that gfortran performance has improved over the major releases, I decided to benchmark the current releases on a MacPro with the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks using -ffast-math -funroll-loops -msse3 -O3. The results are... gcc release gcc 4.2.4 gcc 4.3.3 gcc 4.4-pre gcc 4.3.3/ gcc 4.4-pre/
2006 Apr 18
what happen?
Hi! I want to choose part of the data. But it has a question. > attach(PIKO) > PIKO[1:5,] code species dbh x y tag status branch 92 10142 PIKO 38.9 6.05 12.81 10165 alive 0 109 10213 PIKO 41.0 6.71 26.21 10202 alive 0 135 10222 PIKO 48.3 18.98 21.28 10214 alive 0 146 10223 PIKO 47.0 19.45 22.83 10224 alive 0 147 10223 PIKO 20.0 19.74
2009 Apr 30
Using 'aggregate' when dependent on row value increments
Dear all, I have a data frame of three columns, which I have sorted by Latitude as follows: > test2[60:80,] Latitude Longitude Sim_1986 61948 85.25 -29.25 2.175345 61957 85.25 -28.75 8.750486 61967 85.25 -28.25 33.569305 61977 85.25 -27.75 23.702572 61988 85.25 -27.25 26.488602 62000 85.25 -26.75 23.915724 62012 85.25 -26.25 25.055082 62027
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi John: Thanks! Below is the data using your suggestion. I used "ggplot" to make a graph. I am not too happy with it. I am looking for something simpler and cleaner. Plot is attached. I also tried "lattice" package, but nothing got plotted with "xyplot" command, because it is looking for a numeric variable on x-axis. ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent,
2012 Jun 19
Stepwise Discriminant Analysis - greedy.wilks
I don't understand which is the problem Could you help me please? Thanks in advance Marta > str(data_indiciN2) 'data.frame': 200 obs. of 36 variables: $ gruppo: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... $ I001N2: num 19.32 8.22 28.35 7.24 14.7 ... $ I002N2: num 2.92 2.54 0.11 1.6 7.12 ... $ I003N2: num -22.362 -0.222 -19.291
2011 Apr 17
side by side histogram after splitting data by year
Hi everyone, I'm looking to produce a side-by-side histogram of the number of trips taken by jays with a particular number of acorns after accounting for year (year "one" and year "two"). I know this involves indexing first then creating a histogram but I'm not sure how I'd do this. I want to explore the possibilities that jays are altering their strategies in
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in "lattice". On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:11, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at> wrote: > Hi John: > > Thanks! Below is the data using your
2013 May 23
[LLVMdev] Polyhedron 2005 results for dragonegg 3.3svn
Below are the results for the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks compiled with llvm/compiler-rt/dragonegg 3.3svn at r182439 against current FSF gcc 4.7.3svn and 4.8.1svn. The only major bug remaining in the dragonegg 3.3svn support for gcc 4.8.x is which results in unresolved symbols for _iround and _iroundf in the aermod and rnflow testcases. Note that this
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:21, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at> wrote: > > Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than > "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes > and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in > "lattice". You will need to convert Income to a
2006 Oct 28
really strange problem - has to be logic but i can't find it
would someone be kind enough to paste the code below into an R session ( ir you can paste it into a file and just source it ) and take a look at it ? I must be doing something wrong but i can't find it. I start out with a zoo object that has 100 elements in it. then, i only want to keep the rows in which the bid and the ask are both grester than zero. ( maybe my logic is wrong there ? ).
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hallo Anupam I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me provide almost identical results when removing theme part from ggplot. library(ggplot2) library(lattice) ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent, group=Measure)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Measure) xyplot(Percent ~ Income | Measure, TrialData4, type = "o", pch = 16, as.table =
2013 May 23
[LLVMdev] Polyhedron 2005 results for dragonegg 3.3svn
Duncan, With r182593, the dragonegg 3.3 branch now completely passes the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks using the FSF gcc 4.8.1svn compiler. Thanks. Jack Tested on x86_apple-darwin12 Compile Flags: -ffast-math -funroll-loops -O3 de-gfortran47: /sw/lib/gcc4.7/bin/gfortran -fplugin=/sw/lib/gcc4.7/lib/ -specs=/sw/lib/gcc4.7/lib/integrated-as.specs de-gfortran48: