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2011 Apr 06
Need a more efficient way to implement this type of logic in R
...x in 1:length(hh.sub$HOUSEID)) { if ((hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '01') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '02') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '03') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '04') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '05')) hh.sub$CS_FAMINC[indx] <- 1 # Less than $25,000 if ((hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '06') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '07') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '08') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '09') | (hh.sub$HHFAMINC[indx] == '10')) hh.sub$CS_FAMINC[indx] <- 2 # $25,000 to $50,000 if ((hh.sub$HHFAM...
2011 May 12
How to extract information from the following dataset?
Hi all, I have never worked with this kind of data before, so Please help me out with it. I have the following data set, in a csv file, looks like the following: Jan 27, 2010 16:01:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:06:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:11:24,000 176 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:16:25,000 159 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:21:25,000 142 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:26:24,000 142 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:31:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:36:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:41:24,000 125 - -...
2002 Aug 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
...the data is nominal, but I'm unable to derive his model of uniform association (linear-by-linear association, p. 263-269) for which he gets a value of G^2 = 2.39 with df = 8. The observed data is represented by table 8.2 on page 268 and as follows: Freq <- c(20, 24, 80, 82, 22, 38, 104, 125, 13, 28, 81, 113, 7, 18, 54, 92) data.3 <- t(matrix(Freq, nrow = 4)) list.3 <- list(Income = c("< 6,000", "6,000-15,000", "15,000-25,000", "> 25,000"), Satisfaction = c("Very dissatisfied", "Little dissatisfied...
2007 Mar 08
reading a text file with a stray carriage return
Hi, I'm hoping someone has a suggestion for handling a simple problem. A client gave me a comma separated value file (call it x.csv) that has an id and name and address for about 25,000 people (25,000 records). I used read.table to read it, but then discovered that there are stray carriage returns on several records. This plays havoc with read.table since it starts a new input line when it sees the carriage return. In short, the read is all wrong. I thought I...
2005 Sep 02
Calculating Goodman-Kurskal's gamma using delta method
...i's Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edition). The data I used is also from the job satisfaction vs. income example from that book. job <- matrix(c(1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 3, 10, 7, 1, 6, 14, 12, 0, 1, 9, 11), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c("< 15,000", "15,000 - 25,000", "25,000 - 40,000", "> 40,000"), c("VD", "LD", "MS", "VS"))) The following code is for calculating gamma value, which is consistent with the result presented in section 2.4.5 of that book. C <- 0 D <- 0 for (i in 1:nro...
2013 Feb 20
Why R simulation gives same random results?
Hi, list I am doing 100,000 iterations of Bayesian simulations. What I did is I split it into 4 different R sessions, each one runs 25,000 iteration. But two of the sessions gave the simulation result. I did not use any set.seed(). What is going on here? Thanks, Mike [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 23
Experiences with RAM and CPU Demand of Rails Applications?
...ils application? Input parameters would be something like: page impressions/day, average site size (in KB), average complexity of the rails logic of a site example 1 - 1,000 page impressions/day - 75 kb average site size - complexity: simple data base application (simple selects etc) example 2 - 25,000 page impressions/day - 75 kb average site size - complexity: middle (some more complex selects using joins etc.) How much RAM, CPU etc. is necessary to realize such requirements? Is it possible to do it with classical webhosting (sharing a cpu with a lot of other people) or do one need VPS or...
2007 Nov 21
File locking problems and duplicate emails with the snarf plugin
Two weeks ago we switched all our IMAP users (around 25,000) from the Washington IMAP server to Dovecot, and since then there have been several occasions when reading new email just hangs, and duplicate emails appear. We are using the 'snarf' plugin to copy new email to the inbox, and it looks as though the problems are caused by file locking. W...
2010 Feb 15
wish now I'd not upgraded...
...;, only to see all the emails in the folder go "read" and then within seconds go back to marked as unread (bold). Opening messages one at a time and moving to the next doesn't even keep them marked as read. WTF is going on? Why won't they stay marked as read? I've got over 25,000 emails in these folders and I get a few hundred list mails a day. I really need to get this read/unread business straightened out. What the heck am I missing? Is this a bug in the Debian backport? Good thing I have no hair or I'd have pulled half of it out by now... -- Stan
2005 Mar 23
Fc3 xm boots always maintenance mode
...enance mode. Is someone kind enough to point whats wrong with me? Configfiles are like this. kernel ="/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1177_FC4xenU" memory =128 name = "fc3" nics = 1 disk = [''file:/root/fedora.img,hda2,w''] ip="" netmask="" gateway="" hostname="NS.TECH-A.INFO" root = "/dev/hda2 ro" Continuing... SELinux: Disabled at runtime. SELinux: Unregistering netfilter hooks INIT: version 2.85 booting /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 28: /dev/null: Read-only file system...
2018 Mar 06
Samba 4.3 ldapsearch response time > 5 secs.
Hi, 25,000 is definitely higher than what I would reasonably expect Samba 4.3 to handle. It should be significantly better in more recent versions (preferably to 4.7.5 by joining a new DC). When you have slow responses, is that with a number of concurrent users (or is it possible that there are specific u...
2009 Dec 08
Seagate announces enterprise SSD
FYI, Seagate has announced a new enterprise SSD. The specs appear to be competitive: + 2.5" form factor + 5 year warranty + power loss protection + 0.44% annual failure rate (AFR) (2M hours MTBF, IMHO too low :-) + UER 1e-16 (new), 1e-15 (5 years) + 30,000/25,000 4 KB read IOPS (peak/aligned zero offset) + 30,000/10,500 4 KB write IOPS (peak/aligned zero offset) http://www.seagate...
2004 May 12
Random Forest with highly imbalanced data
Hi group, I am trying to do a RF with approx 250,000 cases. My objective is to determine the risk factors of a person being readmitted to hospital (response=1) or else (response=0). Only 10%, or 25,000 cases were readmitted. I've heard about down-sampling and class weight approach and am wondering if R can do it. Even some reference to a...
2003 Mar 28
0 , Swiss Group Switzerland ! Earn up to 2 daily in the Swish Stock Exchange !
...<br><br> 50-500$ 1 <br> 500-1000$ 1,1 <br> 1,000-1,500$ 1,2 <br> 1,500-2,000$ 1,3 <br> 2,000-2,500$ 1,4 <br> 2,500-3,000$ 1,5 <br> 3,000-4,000$ 1,6 <br> 4,000-5,000$ 1,7 <br> 5,000-7,500$ 1,8 <br> 7,500-10,000$ 1,9 <br> 10,000-25,000$ 2,0 <br> 25,000$ special rate <br><br> <b>Cl<!29704>ick he<!29704>re to st<!29704>art ear<!29704>ning:</b> <br> <a href="http://www.%73%77%69%73%73%2d%67%72%6f%75%70.%6e%65%74/">http://www.sw<!29704>iss-gr<!2...
2003 Jul 13
AUSTEL Certified
Is digium gear AUSTEL approved? $25,000 fine for using equpment not approved by the Aussie gov't. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Sep 03
select specific rows from regression output
Hello everyone, I have a data set that contains characteristics of 25,000 patients of 92 different hospitals. I have run a regression to capture the probability these patients will have a complication after a certain operation. Now, I actually want to predict the probability per patient, using the outcome of the regression, but I just certain patients involved in the...
2007 Jan 11
VMWare GSX Server and CentOS
...using VMWare and splitting up the services or using Solaris Zones. The box(s) has to be able to access data stored on the SAN (Fiber Channel HBA's). The boxes(VM's), or Zones would be split up accordingly: Database box: Oracle, Postgres, and MySQL Mail: Sendmail, POPS, and IMAPS (roughly 25,000 mailboxes) Web: Apache, PHP, mod_ssl Interactive Logins: Compilers and such. Any information about any experiences with VMWare and CentOS, under similar load would be helpful. I will probably make this same post on the Sun Solaris Mailing List, and VMWare's forums. Thanks in advance! --...
2008 Nov 11
[LLVMdev] Validating LLVM
Lately our random C program generator has seemed quite successful at catching regressions in llvm-gcc that the test suite misses. I'd suggest running some fixed number of random programs as part of the validation suite. On a fastish quad core I can test about 25,000 programs in 24 hours. Our hacked valgrind (which looks for volatile miscompilations) is a bottleneck, leaving this out would speed up the process considerably. We've never tested llvm-gcc for x64 using random testing, doing this would likely turn up a nice crop of bugs. I just started...
2015 Jun 15
rsync very slow with large include/exclude file list
...arisons. (I may have left off a zero there, it might be 220 B). I'm working on a fix to improve this. The first phase was to just improve the existing code without changing the methodology. The set I've been testing with is local-local machine, dry-run, 216K files in the source directory, 25,000 files in the exclude-from list. The original rsync takes 488 seconds. The improved code takes 300 seconds. The next phase was to improve the algorithm of handling large filter_lists. Change the unsorted linear search to a sorted binary search (skiplist). This improved code takes 2 seconds. T...
2015 Jan 29
Investigating international calls fraud
> Hmm the calls are made during the day (and sometimes very early in the > morning). Right now it looks like someone actually made these calls. If > that is the case it's somewhat comforting to know the system wasn't > compromised. However, the $25,000 phone bill still remains. Yikes. $6.25 > per minute to Cambodia seems quite steep to me. Since the Mitel had a default admin password, it seems possible that somebody accessed its UI over the network, and then accessed and copied its SIP credentials for your Asterisk server. If that's...