search for: 23686

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "23686".

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2010 Jun 29
merging/intersecting 2 data frames
Dear R People: I have two data frames, a.df and b.df as seen here: > a.df[1:10,] DATE GENDER PATIENT_ID AGE SYNDROME 1 4/16/2009 F 23686 45 RASH ON BODY 2 4/16/2009 F 13840 35 CANT URINATE 3 4/16/2009 M 12895 30 BLURRED VISION 4 4/16/2009 M 18375 33 UNABLE TO VOID 5 4/16/2009 M 2237 44 SOB WEAKNESS 6 4/16/2009 F 21484 41 TOOTH PAINTOOTH...
2007 Aug 01
OpenBSD and too many open files
I posted some questions a few months back and received lots of great help in getting my dovecot/postfix/LDAP setup working. Initially, I ran into the pipe failed too many open files error. I am running this setup on OpenBSD/sparc64 4.1-stable and so I put dovecot in its own class and upped the maxfiles setting for that class. This was back with dovecot 1.0 and everything worked fine. I
2004 Aug 18
[Bug 1618] New: rsync transfer messages
...done send_file_list done send_files starting server_recv(2) starting pid=23686 recv_file_name (0.dbf) recv_file_name (1.dbf) recv_file_name (2.dbf) recv_f...
2003 Feb 21
Linear mixed effects models
...-6.04 2 3001 1861.2 -6.04 2 3002 1862.6 -6.03 2 ..... etc. until subject 13 I.e. medlat is the dependent variable, latency my independent variable, subject is the grouping variable (however I didn't group specifically before calling lme --> was this wrong?). There are 23686 observations in total, and depending on the subject some NA. Following function call was used: dummy.lme <- lme(medlat ~ poly(Latency, degree = 2), data = dummy, + random = ~ Latency | Subject, na.action = na.omit) Questions: - Is this approach o.k., or have you lost all your hair already? - Ca...
2006 Feb 22
[OT] Email line separator
What line separator do you use when composing emails? 1. \n 2. \r\n 3. \r Is there a ''official'' line separator for emails (rfc-document?)? What separator is the most compatible between Windows, OS X and Linux? -- Norman Timmler
2002 Feb 21
How do I launch with Start/Run ??
Hi List I am a newbie to Wine, but managed to download it and have run 123free.exe and dbridge.exe successfully over the last couple of days. My OS is RedHat 7.2 and wine is the download rpm file: codeweavers-wine-20011108-5.i386.rpm The program I am trying to run on wine came with my Rex 6000 pda. It is an interesting gadget (I have a couple of REX 5000 units which can be loaded from
2012 Mar 20
issues with geo-replication
...- [2012-03-20 19:32:34.887928] I [monitor(monitor):60:monitor] Monitor: starting gsyncd worker [2012-03-20 19:32:34.939851] I [gsyncd:289:main_i] <top>: syncing: gluster://localhost:myvol -> ssh://root at remoteip:/data/path [2012-03-20 19:32:34.942775] D [repce:130:push] RepceClient: call 23686:47235324994016:1332271954.94 __repce_version__() ... [2012-03-20 19:32:35.92478] E [syncdutils:133:exception] <top>: FAIL: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/glusterfs/3.2.5/local/libexec//glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line 154, in twrap tf(*aa) File...