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2011 Jan 23
Problem with combined two data frame.
Dear All. I have some problem with combined two data frame. .... I have first data frame .. GPAX THAI MATH SCINCE SOCIAL HEALT ART CAREER LANGUAGE 1227 2.99 3.32 2.50 2.64 3.05 3.60 3.72 3.57 2.62 1704 2.81 2.56 2.48 2.86 3.22 3.19 3.55 3.20 2.51 617 2.18 1.90 1.97 2.06 2.38 3.50 3.54 2.33 1.70 876 2.82 3.14 2.73 2.46 2.71 3.11 3.04 3.24 2.90
2007 Apr 13
How consistent is predict() syntax?
I have a situation where lagged values of a time-series are used to predict future values. I have packed together the time-series and the lagged values into a data frame: > str(D) 'data.frame': 191 obs. of 13 variables: $ y : num -0.21 -2.28 -2.71 2.26 -1.11 1.71 2.63 -0.45 -0.11 4.79 ... $ y.l1 : num NA -0.21 -2.28 -2.71 2.26 -1.11 1.71 2.63 -0.45 -0.11 ... $ y.l2 : num
2008 Nov 04
Problem Updating from 2.71 to 2.8 in Ubuntu
Hello, I have recently installed Ubuntu (8.10) Intrepid Ibex and I am trying to get R version 2.8. I have changed my /etc/apt/sources.list file to include a mirror. I have also added the Vincent Goulet key. However, whenever I run sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install r-base it installs version 2.71. Given that I am new to Ubuntu, is there anything that I need to do to make ubuntu get
2008 Jul 17
calculate differences - strange outcome
Dear List, I ran into some trouble by calculating differences. For me it is important that differences are either 0 or not. So I don't understand the outcome of this calculation 865.56-(782.86+0+63.85+18.85+0) [1] -1.136868e-13 I run R version 2.71 on WinXP I could solve my problem by using round() but I would like to know the reason. Maybe someone can help me? Thanx
2010 Oct 19
nls & optimize
Hi all, I'm plotting to get the intersection value of three curves. Defining the x-axis as dsm, the following code works; dsm = c(800,600,NA,525,NA,450,400,NA,NA,NA,0) s3 = seq(0.05,1.05,0.1) plot(dsm,s3,col="blue",las=1,ylab="fraction",xlab="distance (km)") fc <- function(x,a,b){a*exp(-b*x)} fm <- nls(s3~fc(dsm,a,b),start=c(a=1,b=0)) co <- coef(fm)
2012 Aug 11
help counting in data
Hi >i have this data > X [1] 5.79 1579.52 2323.70 68.85 426.07 110.29 108.29 1067.60 17.05 22.66 [11] 21.02 175.88 139.07 144.12 20.46 43.40 194.90 47.30 7.74 0.40 [21] 82.85 9.88 89.29 215.10 1.75 0.79 15.93 3.91 0.27 0.69 [31] 100.58 27.80 13.95 53.24 0.96 4.15 0.19 0.78 8.01 31.75 [41] 7.35 6.50
2016 Sep 16
LLVM v3.9.0 and math built-ins
A little while ago I asked a question on CFE-Dev about a change in the behaviour of programs using the ISO C math functions, although that question should have been put to LLVM-Dev. But I got excellent clarification of the problem anyway. However, since then I have been trying to adapt our out-of-tree implementation to get the previous behaviour. The problem is that something like: #include
2009 May 07
Hmisc::latex() help
Dear R-helpers, I have a data frame (info[[j]]) that looks like this: necklace originalPosition same run surprise1 pair surprise2 triple surprise3 1 1 1 0 2 2.709511 11 4.81884167930642 110 2.70951129135145 2 1 2 0 2 2.709511 10 1 000 1 3 0 3 NA NA
2010 Jul 26
search and replace in a list of strings
Hi everybody, I have a 4*4 matrix WD of wind data of the following form: > WD $date [1] "07.07.2010" "07.07.2010" "07.07.2010" "07.07.2010" $time [1] "00:00:00" "00:10:00" "00:20:00" "00:30:00" $CH1Avg [1] 3.02 3.04 2.94 2.71 I would like to transform the date and time strings in usable numbers for plotting :
2010 Dec 20
performance issue with merge
Hi, I'm trying to merge a couple of matrices together. The matrices are created from a couple of input files that have very similar (but not in all cases) values in first and second column. 1st and 2nd column are used to generate rownames, the actually interesting value is in column 3. I'd like to merge the different files by the rownames generated from 1st and 2nd column. Files look like
2011 Feb 17
color.scale error
Dear all when I call color.scale like this: require('plotrix') colcolor<-color.scale(c(range_sr,sr),extremes=c("red","blue")) Error in if (min(reds) < 0 || max(reds) > 1) reds <- rescale(reds, c(0, : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed range_sr [1] -10.00000000000000 44.02977813958366 str(sr) num [1:100, 1:100] 2.54 2.71 2.89 2.95 3.03 ...
2006 Sep 07
gem mysql buggy on Win32
Hi, Just running a simple unit test and trying to save an object gives me this error. test_validations(FriendTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `each'' for #<Mysql:0x38f60d0> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_a dapter.rb:292:in `columns'' .... .... Rails 1.1.6 mysql 5 mysql gem 2.71 After I
2012 Mar 26
reading header in txt file and making histogram
Dear all I am a BEGINNER and have R on my Mac. I saved my excel file as .txt file, I have just one column with first row as the column name. My file when read by R looks like this. After reading the table I try to make a histogram by hist(dbh), it says object dbh not found. What am I doing wrong? thanks dbh 1 11.53 2 16.05 3 7.36 4 16.05 5 8.66 6 12.74 7 22.93 8 7.55 9
2008 Jul 23
R2WinBUGS problem
Dear friends - I'm on winXP, R 2.71 - I have with some help dveloped this multivariate normal model, which gives very plausible results in WinBUGS even without any initial values specified. However, when I then try to run the same model via the bugs function in R2WinBUGS with inits specified as inits=NULL the program stops in a dead end. So I have tried to make inits for the bugs function
2009 Nov 22
Input file format to Anova from car package
Dear list member, My question is related to input file format to an Anova from car package. Here is an example of what I did: My file format is like this (and I dislike the idea that I will need to recode it): Hormone day Block Treatment Plant Diameter High N.Leaves SH 23 1 1 1 3.19 25.3 2 SH 23 1 1 2 3.42 5.5 1 SH 23 1 2 1 2.19 5.2 2 SH 23 1 2 2 2.17 7.6 2 CH 23 1 1 1 3.64 6.5 2 CH 23 1 1 2
2016 Sep 20
LLVM v3.9.0 and math built-ins
Hi Mehdi, The ISO C specification does permit the math functions to modify ‘errno’, but I thought that the ‘-fno-math-errno’ option was to tell the optimiser to assume that ‘errno’ is not modified by the math functions. Explicitly providing ‘-fno-math-errno’ is not restoring the elision optimisation that was performed by LLVM v3.8, and this is really only a driver option, with ‘-fmath-errno’
2014 Apr 15
CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD and NUT upsset.cgi
Since there is apparently no immediate solution to upsstats.cgi not reading the output voltage correctly, I have moved on to trying to use upsset.cgi. To recap the UPS is a CyberPower CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD UPS running on a headless server running Slackware 14.1 with the 3.10.7 kernel. The version of NUT is 2.71 and I am using usbhid-ups for communication with the UPS The problem is that when
1998 Apr 07
R-beta: spline problems(?)
Hi, I am a total beginner with this whole thing so please have patience! I am trying to run an S-plus program with a certain line: spline(1:nrow(y), y[,1],n=100); This crashes with: Error: NAs in foreign function call (arg 8) Apparently, this is caused by the last command of spline: u <- seq(xmin, xmax, length.out = n) .C("spline_eval", z$method, length(u), x = u, y =
2005 Oct 10
plot - no main title and missing abscissa value
Hi all. I have defined a plot thus: par(mar=c(5,5,4,5),las=1, xpd=NA) plot(Day, Ym1Imp, ylim=c(0,100), type="b", bty="l", main="Ym1 Expression", cex=1.3, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") #plot implant data axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21), labels=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21)) # label x axis mtext("Day", side =1, at=10, line=3, cex=1.2) # title x
2003 Nov 16
SE of ANOVA (aov) with repeated measures and a bewtween-subject factor
Hallo! I have data of the following design: NSubj were measured at Baseline (visit 1) and at 3 following time points (visit 2, visit 3, visit 4). There is or is not a treatment. Most interesting is the question if there is a difference in treatment between the results of visit 4 and baseline. (The other time points are also of interest.) The level of significance is alpha=0.0179 (because of an