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2008 Sep 03
R puts '+' within my numbers
Hello, my test.R file contains two huge arrays (>3000 entries), from which R needs to calculate the Pearson Correlation, if I look at the file the numbers look correct. if I run R R < test.R --no-save I see things like this: 0.723, 0.838, 1.002, 0.364, 0.357, 0.227, 0.982+ , 0.963, 0.535, 1.214, 1.270, 0.832, 1.033, 0.632, 2.482, 1.239, 0.743, 1.077, 0.962, 1.052, 1.075, 1.427, 1.395,
2013 Apr 06
arrange data
Hello all! I have a problem to arrange data in another form. My initial data is like this: 'data.frame': 421 obs. of 58 variables: $ 01A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ 01B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ 03A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ 03B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ 05A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ 05B: num NA NA NA NA
2005 Sep 07
1.0alpha1: new assert/core
Hi, I saw a new assert and core dump today in 1.0alpha1. Setup is Solaris 9, dovecot built with gcc 4.0.1, running as imap server for mbox format. The syslog said: IMAP(user): file message-body-search.c: line 393 (message_body_search_ctx): assertion failed: (input->v_offset <= part->physical_pos) A gdb analysis of the core dump is attached. BTW, I save core dumps in case you need
2014 Sep 01
Correlation Matrix with a Covariate
R Help - I'm trying to run a correlation matrix with a covariate of "age" and will at some point will also want to covary other variables concurrently. I'm using the "psych" package and have tried other methods such as writing a loop to extract semi-partial correlations, but it does not seem to be working. How can I accomplish this? library(psych) > set.cor(y =