search for: 1992

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1296 matches for "1992".

2009 Sep 11
I have following object : > date2 [,1] [,2] [1,] "apr" "1992" [2,] "aug" "1992" [3,] "dec" "1992" [4,] "feb" "1992" [5,] "jan" "1992" [6,] "jul" "1992" [7,] "jun" "1992" [8,] "mar" "1992" [9,] "...
2009 Mar 19
problem with Dates
Hi all, I am strugling with date formates and caliculating diferent operations like different between 2 dates and getting minimum in vector of dates that is i m working with dates in formate "6/22/1992 12:00:00 AM" and the vector is [1] 6/4/1992 12:00:00 AM 2/13/1992 12:00:00 AM 6/19/1992 12:00:00 AM [4] 2/11/1992 12:00:00 AM 6/22/1992 12:00:00 AM 10/3/1991 12:00:00 AM [7] 5/12/1992 12:00:00 AM 7/11/1991 12:00:00 AM 2/6/1992 12:00:00 AM [10] 10/4/1991 12:00:00 AM 1/31/199...
2006 Nov 23
how to loop this?
...uot;1991-11-04", "1991-11-11", "1991-11-22", "1991-11-24", "1991-11-28", "1991-12-02", "1991-12-08", "1991-12-11", "1991-12-17", "1991-12-21", "1991-12-26", "1991-12-30", "1992-01-05", "1992-01-07", "1992-01-09", "1992-01-12", "1992-01-15", "1992-01-20", "1992-01-25", "1992-02-02", "1992-02-12", "1992-02-16", "1992-02-24", "1992-02-28", "1992...
2011 Apr 06
Problem to convert date to number
Hi R users, I have a maybe small problem which I cannot solve by myself. I want to convert "chron" "dates" "times" (04/30/06 11:35:00) to a number with as.POSIXct. The Problem is that I can't choose different timezones. I always get "CEST" and not "UTC" what I need. date = as.POSIXct(y,tz="UTC") "2006-04-30 11:35:00
2012 Apr 22
Assignment problems
...rk I have to do, which is due in 2 days and I am strung up with a lot of other stuff, so I was hoping someone would take 5 mins and help me ?? Here is a part of my data.frame: year country1 country2 contig comlang pop1 gdp1 pop2 gdp2 rta dist avgflow 1 1992 AUS AUT 0 0 17.4950008 321708.281 7.7825189 194684.078 0 15608.4 1.075999e+02 2 1992 AUS BEL 0 0 17.4950008 321708.281 10.0450001 231762.094 0 16319.2 4.767162e+02 3 1992 AUS CAN 0 1 17.4950008 321708.281 28.5195...
2006 May 03
...n the other variables as they are in the data set with the new summed TRIPID. So what I have is something like this: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR GEAR2 TRAPS SOAKTIME UNITS FACTOR DISPOSIT NUMSETS TRIPST TRIPID 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 161 1 NA NA NA 0216 3399054 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4...
2006 May 03
...n the other variables as they are in the data set with the new summed TRIPID. So what I have is something like this: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR GEAR2 TRAPS SOAKTIME UNITS FACTOR DISPOSIT NUMSETS TRIPST TRIPID 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 161 1 NA NA NA 0216 3399054 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4...
2006 Dec 27
plotting time series with zoo pckg
Hi all, I am using the zoo package to plot time series. I have a problem with formatting the axes. my zoo object (z) looks like the following. c1 1992-01-10 21 1992-01-17 34 1992-01-24 33 1992-01-31 41 1992-02-07 39 1992-02-14 38 1992-02-21 37 1992-02-28 28 1992-03-06 33 1992-03-13 40 plot.zoo(z) produces a plot with the labels on the x-axis that I cannot control....
2006 Nov 22
dataframe manipulation
...uot;, "1991-11-04", "1991-11-11", "1991-11-22", "1991-11-24", "1991-11-28", "1991-12-02", "1991-12-08", "1991-12-11", "1991-12-17", "1991-12-21", "1991-12-26", "1991-12-30", "1992-01-05", "1992-01-07", "1992-01-09", "1992-01-12", "1992-01-15", "1992-01-20", "1992-01-25", "1992-02-02", "1992-02-12", "1992-02-16", "1992-02-24", "1992-02-28", "1992-03-01"...
2011 Jun 22
strange date problem - May 3, 1992 is NA
>"5/2/1992", format="%m/%d/%Y")) [1] FALSE >"5/3/1992", format="%m/%d/%Y")) [1] TRUE Any idea what's going on with this? Running strptime against all dates from around 1946, only 5/3/1992 was converted as "NA". Even stranger, it still seem...
2017 Jun 07
Determining which.max() within groups
...stions appreciated: Daily <- read.table(textConnection(" Date wyr Q 1911-04-01 1990 4.530695 1911-04-02 1990 4.700596 1911-04-03 1990 4.898814 1911-04-04 1990 5.097032 1911-04-05 1991 5.295250 1911-04-06 1991 6.569508 1911-04-07 1991 5.861587 1911-04-08 1991 5.153666 1911-04-09 1992 4.445745 1911-04-10 1992 3.737824 1911-04-11 1992 3.001586 1911-04-12 1992 3.001586 1911-04-13 1993 2.350298 1911-04-14 1993 2.661784 1911-04-16 1993 3.001586 1911-04-17 1993 2.661784 1911-04-19 1994 2.661784 1911-04-28 1994 3.369705 1911-04-29 1994 3.001586 1911-05-20 1994 2.661784"),header=T...
2008 Oct 29
Subsetting data in a loop
...       0      0 1991     8   6             6     0       0         0          0      0 1991     9   4             7     2       0         0          0      0 1991     9   9             8     4       0         0          0      0 1991    12  16             9     0       0         0          0      0 1992     3  18            10     1       0         0          0      0 1992     5  13            11     0       0         0          0      0 1992     7  31            12     1       0         0          0      0 1992     8  19            13     0       0         0          0      0 1992    10  14      ...
2006 May 10
Hello, I have sample data set that looks like: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL TIMEFISH TIMEUNIT AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR TRIPID CONVUNIT 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 161 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 8 1992 1 26 2 SP0004228 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 161 1992 1 26 2 SP0004228 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 8 1992 1 25 NA SP0052652 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 021...
2010 Mar 19
Sequence of ordered variable to add as column
...w I would like to add a column containing a sequence (disregarding ties) that represents the order of the variable "dates" in each case of the variable "id", resulting in this dataframe: ><-c(1,2,3,1,2) > df$< id ord dates 3 a 1 1992-01-14 1 5 a 2 1992-02-01 2 4 a 3 1992-02-28 3 1 b 2 1992-02-27 1 2 b 1 1992-02-27 2 Thanks in advance, Duarte Viana
2004 May 06
...quot;01/14/92", "02/28/92", "02/01/92") > times <- c("23:03:20", "22:29:56", "01:03:30", "18:21:03", "16:56:26") > x <- paste(dates, times) > z <- strptime(x, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") > z [1] "1992-02-27 23:03:20" "1992-02-27 22:29:56" "1992-01-14 01:03:30" [4] "1992-02-28 18:21:03" "1992-02-01 16:56:26" which I understand. But then > length(dates) [1] 5 > length(times) [1] 5 > length(z) [1] 9 > which I don't. It seems that le...
2009 Mar 23
Graphic with several curves
Hi R users, Imagine the folowing data frame 1990 1991 1992 1 5 20 6 2 15 1 11 3 3 14 22 4 20 8 55 5 10 3 14 Is there a way to build a graphic in which: - 1 curve represents the observation 1 during 1990 & 1992 - 1 curve represents th...
2009 Oct 23
extract day or month as in Splus
Dear all, I am writing to ask for help to find R code to do the same thing as the following Splus code: dates <- c("02/27/1992", "02/27/1992", "01/14/1992", "02/28/1992", "02/01/1992") timeDate(as.character(dates),in.format="%m/%d/%Y","%a") [1] Thu Thu Tue Fri Sat Could anyone give me some R codes to get the same results as above(extract days from dates...
2006 Nov 26
adding elemens to a list
..."1990-05", "1990-06", "1990-07", "1990-08", "1990-10", "1990-11", "1991-01", "1991-03", "1991-04", "1991-05", "1991-06", "1991-09", "1991-11", "1991-12", "1992-01", "1992-03", "1992-04", "1992-05", "1992-06", "1992-07", "1992-08", "1992-09", "1992-10", "1992-11", "1992-12", "1993-01", "1993-02", "1993-03", "1993-04&qu...
2005 Oct 13
subsetting data frame using by() or tapply() or other
...a.frame.list() in front of tapply() and still have the same problem. I know this can't be that unusual of a data manipulation and that someone has to have done similar things before. I want to go from something like this: LOCID POPULATION YEAR DBC 1 algb-1 A 1992 0.70451575 2 algb-1 A 1993 0.59506851 3 algb-1 A 1997 0.84837544 4 algb-1 A 1998 0.50283182 5 algb-1 A 2000 0.91242707 6 algb-2 A 1992 0.09747155 7 algb-2 A 1993 0.84772253 8 algb-2 A 1997 0.439...
2017 Jun 07
Determining which.max() within groups
cumsum() seems to be what you need. This can probably be done more elegantly, but ... out <- aggregate(Q ~ wyr, data = Daily, which.max) tbl <- table(Daily$wyr) out$Q <- out$Q + cumsum(c(0,tbl[-length(tbl)])) out ## yields wyr Q 1 1990 4 2 1991 6 3 1992 9 4 1993 15 5 1994 18 I leave the matter of Julian dates to you or others. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) O...