search for: 18617

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "18617".

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2010 May 18
lattice::panel.levelplot.raster too picky with unequal spacing
...datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] lattice_0.18-5 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] grid_2.11.0 tools_2.11.0 -- ____________________ Baptiste Augui? Departamento de Qu?mica F?sica, Universidade de Vigo, Campus Universitario, 36310, Vigo, Spain tel: +34 9868 18617
2010 Mar 10
How to take out the content of character string
My question is represented by the following example. For example, I have a character string a, which is defined as AA="list(x=1, y=2)" I want to take out the content of AA by using some function, so that I can obtain the following expression automatically. list(x=1, y=2) Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks a lot, -- View this message in context:
2007 Apr 30
PANIC: internal error in samba rhel4-u4
...f this has been fixed already or not but I wasn't able to find any mention of it. The error I am getting is: =============================================================== [2007/04/12 22:41:00, 0, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] lib/fault.c:fault_report(37) INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 18617 (3.0.10-1.4E.9) Please read the appendix Bugs of the Samba HOWTO collection [2007/04/12 22:41:01, 0, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] lib/fault.c:fault_report(39) =============================================================== [2007/04/12 22:41:01, 0, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] lib/util.c:smb_p...
2010 Dec 07
tableGrob and properties of a cell
Hello there, could you please help to modify gpar() properties of a cell inside tableGrob() output. In the following example I want to have different color for one out of 4 cells require(gridExtra) z<-matrix(1:4,2,2) grid.draw(tableGrob(z)) The only way I found for now how to do it is to do something like this downViewport(current.vpTree()$children[[1]]$children[[6]]$name)
2010 Jun 06
Creating pdf report
I'm looking for a way to create a pdf report that contains multiple graphs on one page as well as tables (ideally with some lines below categories etc.) . I have used the pdf(filename) followed by to date but this prints one graph per page and does not seem to have functionality for tables. Thanks Sent from my BlackBerry? wireless device
2010 Aug 27
export 4D data as povray density files
...if anyone here ever played with this idea and could offer some suggestions (I couldn't get it to work so far). Best regards, baptiste -- ____________________ Dr. Baptiste Augui? Departamento de Qu?mica F?sica, Universidade de Vigo, Campus Universitario, 36310, Vigo, Spain tel: +34 9868 18617
2010 Feb 26
Plotting a Trivial Matrix
Dear All, Consider a matrix (N x N) where each entry is either zero or one (can hardly get any simpler). Now, I would like to plot it as a 'chessboard' where every matrix entry is a black (1) or white (0) square. Whatever tool I use to plot it, it should not try to interpolate the data at all. I found some online references but probably I can
2010 Mar 05
how to make this sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
I'm just beginning R, with book Using R for Introductory Statistics, and one of the early questions has me baffled. The question is, create the sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 using seq() and rep(). Now, as a programmer, I am punching myself to not be able to figure it out.. I mean, as simple as a for loop, but using seq, I am stumped. I would think c(1:5, 4:1) would be the brute force method
2010 Aug 18
Automatically retrieve correct collation
Dear List, consider the following scenario: setClass(Class = "A", representation = representation(B = "B", C = "C")) setClass(Class = "B", representation = representation(C = "C")) setClass(Class = "C", representation = representation(something = "character")) Obviously, the collation for sourcing these defs needs to be: C,
2010 May 31
Fancy Page layout
Hi, Working on a report that is going to have a large number of graphs and summaries. We have 80 "groups" with 20 variables each. Ideally, I'd like to produce ONE page for each group. It would have two columns of 10 graphs and then the 5 number summary of the variables at the bottom. So, perhaps the top 2/3 of the page has the graphs and the bottom third has 20 rows of data
2010 Feb 25
How to fill in a region with different patterns?
Hi to all, Here is a question which I cannot solve. Appreciate so much for any suggestions! I have a squared region which is irregularly divided into many rectangular patches. Each patch is associated with a value, and two patches possibly share a common value. I hope to fill in each patch a pattern according to its value. For instance, if a patch has value 1, then I fill in that patch
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
...pdf(), cairo_ps() or the Cairo-based bitmap devices opened a file called NA: it now throws an error. * quartz(file = NA) opened a file called NA, including when used as a Quartz-based bitmap device. It now gives an error. * rank(<long vector>) now works, fixing PR#18617, thanks to Ilia Kats. * did not adequately check its length.out argument. * match(<POSIXct>, .) is correct again for differing time zones, ditto for "POSIXlt", fixing PR#18618 reported by Bastian Klein. * drop.terms(*, dropx = <0-length>) n...
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
...pdf(), cairo_ps() or the Cairo-based bitmap devices opened a file called NA: it now throws an error. * quartz(file = NA) opened a file called NA, including when used as a Quartz-based bitmap device. It now gives an error. * rank(<long vector>) now works, fixing PR#18617, thanks to Ilia Kats. * did not adequately check its length.out argument. * match(<POSIXct>, .) is correct again for differing time zones, ditto for "POSIXlt", fixing PR#18618 reported by Bastian Klein. * drop.terms(*, dropx = <0-length>) n...
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
...pdf(), cairo_ps() or the Cairo-based bitmap devices opened a file called NA: it now throws an error. * quartz(file = NA) opened a file called NA, including when used as a Quartz-based bitmap device. It now gives an error. * rank(<long vector>) now works, fixing PR#18617, thanks to Ilia Kats. * did not adequately check its length.out argument. * match(<POSIXct>, .) is correct again for differing time zones, ditto for "POSIXlt", fixing PR#18618 reported by Bastian Klein. * drop.terms(*, dropx = <0-length>) n...
2010 Jul 17
Bug 14340 - Symbols() plots with wrongly scaled y-axis
Hello, I submitted this bug report to r-core and got a rejection saying I should post to r-help. This is my first time ever submitting a bug report, so forgive me if I'm using some wrong format. So, here's my bug report: Component: Graphics OS: Mac OS 10.5.8, X11 XQuartz 2.5.0 Summary: In the symbols function of the graphics package, scaling of the y-axis is wrong, causing symbols
2010 Aug 31
How to Adaptively Set Up the Coordinate Range of Multiple Graphs in One Figure
Hi, R-Helpers, I would like to ask about multiple graphs in one figure. I tried to execute the following codes. xlim <- c(1,100) ylim <- c(1,4) plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) > x <- c(1:100) for(j in seq(1,10,by=1)) { y <- j*x^2+log(j) lines(x, y) } In the above codes, I had to arbitrarily set up the coordinate range of the figure in advance before
2008 Jan 23
Again: Workaround found for request queuing vs. num_processors, accept/close
...roblem I added STDERR.puts "TEST: #{worker_list.length} #{@num_processors}" on line 279 of /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.3/lib/mongrel.rb, and to my surprise it looks like the parameter is ignored. If I run it $ mongrel_rails start -a -p 8999 --num-procs 1 & [1] 18617 ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment... config/boot.rb:28:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead. ** Rails loaded. ** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins ** Signals ready. TERM => stop. USR2 => restart. INT => stop...
2010 Mar 02
Three most useful R package
Hi R-fans, I would like put out a question to all R users on this list and hope it will create some feedback and discussion. 1) What are your 3 most useful R package? and 2) What R package do you still miss and why do you think it would make a useful addition? Pulling answers together for these questions will serve as a guide for new users and help people who just want to get a hint where to
2009 Jun 19
Wine release 1.1.24
...eaks HTTP RFC with HTTP_AddRequestHeadersW 18202 Programs show unhandled exception dialog on every run 18256 Quicktime 2 Unimplemented function olesvr32.dll.OleRevokeServer on exit 18516 Goldwave 5.25 File Save dialog no longer has options for file format... 18610 Quicken 2009 crashes 18617 Regedit can't import registry from standard input 18638 .NET 3.0 apps abort with: Call from to unimplemented function GDI32.dll.GdiEntry13, aborting 18641 Adobe Lightroom 2.3 crashes on unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap 18735 Photoshop CS4 crash in unimpleme...