search for: 10100

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 75 matches for "10100".

Did you mean: 1000
2007 Dec 14
Stange pause between extensions commands.
Hello, i have a simple but annoying problem. I have the following entry in /etc/asterisk/externsions.conf file: ---<Cut Here>--- exten => 10100,1,Wait(4) exten => 10100,2,Playback(transfer,noanswer) exten => 10100,3,Dial(${PHONE30},30,t) exten => 10100,4,Background(extension) exten => 10100,5,Background(is-curntly-unavail) exten => 10100,6,Voicemail(9999) exten => 10100,7,PlayBack(vm-goodbye) exten => 10100,8,Hangup --...
2011 Aug 16
how to sort the levels of a table
...;0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1100"), `4` = c("100", "10100", "10100", "10010", "10100", "10000", "0", "10100", "1000", "10000", "10100", "10000", "10100", "10000", "10100", "10000", "10000", "10000&...
2003 Dec 01
No subject
U:\I386\ASMS\10100\Msft\Windows\GdiPlus -rwxr-x--- 1 root unattend 7245 Sep 10 08:30 -rwxr-x--- 1 root unattend 1703936 Sep 9 14:11 gdiplus.dll -rwxr-x--- 1 root unattend 392 Sep 9 14:28 and gdiplus.dll get copied, but not These are...
2005 Oct 20
Attributing values to matrix according to names
Dear R-helpers Apologies for the basic question, but I just got stuck: I would like to write values from a vector into array cells with the same names > count[1:10] 10010 10014 10015 10017 10030 10080 10100 10230 10250 10280 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 >data[1:10,,1] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] 10010 NA NA NA NA NA 10014 NA NA NA NA NA 10015 NA NA NA NA NA 10016 NA NA NA NA NA 10017 NA NA NA NA NA...
2006 Feb 28
Htb queueing problem
...classifier I can mark packages with iptables, but I _can''t_ make the packages get queued in an specific class. Please, take a look on this sample script that guarantees 64kbit (rate), 72kbit (ceil) to the packets coming from the host to the network with 10000-10100 destination ports: # Flush tc qdiscs: /sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth0 root >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth1 root >/dev/null 2>&1 # Create root qdiscs: /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 1000 /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 2: htb default 100...
2009 Jul 18
apply/return and reuse
Hi, Is it possible to make something like the following code actually work? My goal in this example would be that I'd see results like 1 10000 10100 2 10100 10200 3 10200 10300 4 10300 10400 In real usage the function would obviously do a lot more work, but the question I cannot answer myself yet is whether the apply can return a value from the work on one row and then use that value as the input to the function for the next row?...
2011 Feb 01
Delay Loading Rails Views
...t eliminates both the network and Apache as sources of the delay. I think the delay is somewhere in Rails itself. Here''s my logs. First, the commands and date/time stamps from the prompt. [litho:~/apps/timetrack/current/log] jmartin$ date ; curl -b "cookie:val" >/dev/null ; date ;curl -b "cookie:val" >/dev/ null ; date Tuesday, February 1, 2011 2:28:38 PM GMT % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Tota...
2016 May 05
FirewallD and FTP passive mode
...rt forwarding and ftp server itself. On the router: # firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=external external (active) interfaces: enp3s1 sources: services: openvpn ssh ports: 1194/tcp 2666/tcp 88/tcp masquerade: yes forward-ports: port=21:proto=tcp:toport=:toaddr= port=10090-10100:proto=tcp:toport=:toaddr= port=88:proto=tcp:toport=80:toaddr= icmp-blocks: rich rules: I also did: # modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp ports=10090,10100 excerpt form vsftpd.conf on the FTP server: pasv_enable=Yes pasv_min_port=10090 pasv_max_port=10100 pasv_addr_resolve=Ye...
2011 Apr 14
Homefront dedicated Server
...I'm trying to get it run with linux squeeze 6.0. After I successfull installed wine and uploaded the homefront files to my server, i've tried to start the dediacted homefront server with: > wineconsole --backend=curses HFDedicated.exe SERVER ?maxplayers=32 -queryport=27025 -authport=10100 -rconport1=15100 -rconport2=20100 -configsubdir=DedicatedProfile_Zap-Hosting -nohomedir I get follow message and no running server: > root at babe916:/home/r12_test122/game/1251_27025/binaries# wineconsole --backend=c...
2007 Jul 19
open up firewall ports for Asterisk - safe?
...0, and whatever ports are inbetween the rtpstart/rtpend values in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf. Is that right? Right now thats 9999 ports, I've read that you can chop that down to 20 ports for just a few calls. We want to have 5-6 simultaneous calls, so if I set rtpstart to 10001 and rtpend to 10100, then open up those ports, is that adequate? Thanks for any help. -Ryan
2009 Nov 11
Asterisk keeps sending invite to sip phone "No response to critical packet"
Hi there I am wondering if anybody can help me illuminate a problem I am having with my asterisk installation. I am using: - IP phone (Siemens gigaset S685IP) behind a modem/router that has ports udp 5060 and 10000:10100 forwarded to the static ip of the IP phone ( This has to go to: - modem that operates in half bridge mode (no nat) to a linux firewall (does natting ip is that has the ports above forwarded to the staitc ip of the asterisk box ( packaged version for ubuntu har...
2007 Aug 23
mongrel + pound + ziya problems
Hi, i''m using to ziya to display some graph. If i use it running mongrel as single instance all work good (very slow but work). If i try to use it with pound as htto proxy ziya charts wait forever for data...that never arrive. If i check the mongrel log it seemes to make queries on the database and retrieve data,but nothin appera. Anyone have an idea on how i can solve this problem?
2009 Aug 18
function merge()
Hi, Actually, i use the function merge like this: (Data1 <- Data1[1:7,1:3])   Policy.Number AXA.Entity Country 1    1060000077        BNL     BNL 2       4001023         CH     BNL 3    1060000006         UK     BNL 4       4001025         CH     BNL 5      6.00E+13        USA     BNL 6       6100001         UK     BNL 7       4001028        USA     BNL > Data2 <-
2005 Jun 10
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
how can i get rid of that ?? i do del roots before scripting. -- *Dariusz ''tdi'' Dwornikowski | Gentoo | admin at | *[JID]|[gg]:2266034|[IRC]:#gentoo-pl@freenode | *[MAIL]|[WWW] | *Serwery,administracja,webapps - | *Fingerprint:43E21CC46DAFD2F754E91547D59B39F56AAA4B5F
2013 Sep 14
(no subject)
To Jonas: I have an asterisk box at home and I have this line in my rtp.conf file: rtpstart=10000 rtpend=10100 And My FW is setup to forward all incoming ports of range 10000-10100 to the asterisk PC. I've never had a problem since one year, but I have never received more than two simultaneous calls with SIP clients. Message: 5 Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 11:49:59 +0200 From: Jonas Kellens <jonas.k...
2003 Sep 16
Shorewall-Linux and Vonage VOIP
Hi, Can U tell me the Vonage ATA 186 settings? I would like to try to have a web interface on my adapter :-)) Best regards, Chris Hariga
2009 Oct 06
ldapsam, smbpasswd and posixAccount
...ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=tuxgeek,dc=de" -f /tmp/posix.ldif -W adding new entry "uid=schalke,ou=users,dc=tuxgeek,dc=de" $ ldapsearch -xLLL uid=schalke dn: uid=schalke,ou=users,dc=tuxgeek,dc=de uid: schalke objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount cn: schalke uidNumber: 10100 gidNumber: 10023 homeDirectory: /home/TUXGEEK/schalke loginShell: /bin/bash [root at tiffy openldap]$ smbpasswd -a schalke New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: ldapsam_create_user: failed to create a new user [schalke] (dn = uid=schalke,ou=users,dc=tuxgeek,dc=de) Failed to add entry for user...
2010 Feb 16
Courier->Dovecot Migration Issue
...3 V1141844265 N12392 9338 P00cf2eb6_fadc_4992_ad3a_57cc83a16eab W5146 :00cf2eb6_fadc_4992_ad3a_57cc83a16eab:2,S 9788 P0b18a2d6_97dd_4712_a09c_23c7a3d59467 W4055 :0b18a2d6_97dd_4712_a09c_23c7a3d59467:2,S 9942 P0b3cfd0b_1fc7_47b3_805f_b369a3bb6c65 W4359 :0b3cfd0b_1fc7_47b3_805f_b369a3bb6c65:2,S 10100 Pe178f1ed_d648_47e8_807a_3e2d655d7f84 W12028 :e178f1ed_d648_47e8_807a_3e2d655d7f84:2,S 10101 Pe3f28a53_a4d4_4f3d_babe_5df72bc35b47 W13974 :e3f28a53_a4d4_4f3d_babe_5df72bc35b47:2,S 10102 Pf3c3024b_2850_43ef_a397_d5cae5c8f537 W7177 :f3c3024b_2850_43ef_a397_d5cae5c8f537:2,S 10104 P6e808a68_0a7b_452...
2010 Jul 20
Servreg $loglik
...1 4850 R-Censored 4 5000 R-Censored 3 6100 R-Censored 3 6100 Failure 1 6300 R-Censored 1 6450 R-Censored 2 6700 R-Censored 1 7450 R-Censored 1 7800 R-Censored 2 8100 R-Censored 2 8200 R-Censored 1 8500 R-Censored 3 8750 R-Censored 2 8750 Failure 1 9400 R-Censored 1 9900 R-Censored 1 10100 R-Censored 3 11500 R-Censored 1 I am running R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) on a HP Windows 7 box with 8 gig RAM. Thank you for your help. Charles Annis, P.E. Charles.Annis at 561-352-9699
2010 Oct 20
Samba 3.5.6 pam problems = Samba file and print server log level = 3 max log size = 4192 printcap name = cups idmap config SAMBATEST : backend = ad idmap config SAMBATEST : range = 10000-10020 idmap config SAMBATEST : schema_mode = rfc2307 idmap config SAMBATEST : default = yes idmap backend = tdb idmap uid = 10100-10110 idmap gid = 10100-10110 winbind separator = + winbind enum users = Yes winbind enum groups = Yes winbind refresh tickets = Yes winbind normalize names = Yes winbind nested groups = Yes client ntlmv2 auth = yes encrypt passwords = yes password server = w2k3r2svr.sambatest.local temp...