search for: 1000000

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1376 matches for "1000000".

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2006 May 03
Aggregate? like this: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR GEAR2 TRAPS SOAKTIME UNITS FACTOR DISPOSIT NUMSETS TRIPST TRIPID 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 161 1 NA NA NA 0216 3399054 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 8 1 NA NA...
2006 May 03
Aggregate? like this: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR GEAR2 TRAPS SOAKTIME UNITS FACTOR DISPOSIT NUMSETS TRIPST TRIPID 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 161 1 NA NA NA 0216 3399054 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 25 4 NA 1000000 NA NA NA 8 1 NA NA...
2005 May 05
problem with plot() and R 2.1.0
...(1:100),y=c(1:100), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:100),y=sin(c(1:100)), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:1000),y=sin(c(1:1000)), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:10000),y=sin(c(1:10000)), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:100000),y=sin(c(1:100000)), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:1000000),y=sin(c(1:1000000)), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:10000000),y=sin(c(1:10000000)), type="l") all plotted without problem (if you try the last one it might require some patience to plot) R version 2.0.1 > plot(x=c(1:100),y=c(1:100), type="l") > plot(x=c(1:100),y=si...
2000 Nov 08
Strange means of numbers drawn from rpois
Dear all, I think I must be going crazy.... If I do > mean(rpois(1000000, 14)) I get: [1] 13.50420 and again: > mean(rpois(1000000, 14)) [1] 13.49896 > mean(rpois(1000000, 14)) [1] 13.50161 > mean(rpois(1000000, 15)) [1] 14.49250 > mean(rpois(1000000, 15)) [1] 14.49897 > mean(rpois(1000000, 14.5)) [1] 13.99689 > mean(rpois(1000000, 14.5)) [1] 13.9963...
2006 May 10
Hello, I have sample data set that looks like: YEAR MONTH DAY CONTINUE SPL TIMEFISH TIMEUNIT AREA COUNTY DEPTH DEPUNIT GEAR TRIPID CONVUNIT 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 161 1992 1 26 1 SP0073928 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 8 1992 1 26 2 SP0004228 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 161 1992 1 26 2 SP0004228 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399054 8 1992 1 25 NA SP0052652 8 H 7 25 4 NA 1000000 02163399057 85 1992 1 26 NA SP0037940 8 H 7...
2006 Oct 01
array vs matrix vs dataframe?
What is the difference among an array, a dataframe and a matrix? Why is the size of a dataframe so much larger? (see example below) a<-c(rep(1:1000000,1)) b<-c(rep(1:1000000,1)) c1<-cbind(a,b) cdf<,b)) cm<-as.matrix(cbind(a,b)) object.size(a)/1000000 object.size(b)/1000000 object.size(c1)/1000000 object.size(cdf)/1000000 object.size(cm)/1000000
2010 Aug 23
Speeding up sum and prod
...oking for more ways to speed up R, I've found that large improvements are possible in the speed of "sum" and "prod" for long real vectors. Here is a little test with R version 2.11.1 on an Intel Linux system > a <- seq(0,1,length=1000) > system.time({for (i in 1:1000000) b <- sum(a)}) user system elapsed 4.800 0.010 4.817 > system.time({for (i in 1:1000000) b <- sum(a,na.rm=TRUE)}) user system elapsed 8.240 0.030 8.269 and here is the same with "sum" and "prod" modified as described below: > a <- seq(0,1,len...
2007 May 12
dbmail benchmarking
...QL backend could actually be. Skip to bottom for the conclusions. Originally I ran the tests with the databases being in XFS filesystem. MySQL's performance was horrible. It went 3-7x faster with ext3. MySQL 5.0.30 backend (innodb): ./imaptest clients=1 - append=100 seed=1 secs=30 msgs=1000000 logout=0 Logi Sele Appe 100% 100% 100% 5% 1 291 303 So that's 10 messages/sec saved. Now how about with 5 concurrent clients? Logi Sele Appe 100% 100% 100% 5% 5 1259 1332 Pretty well. Then something more generic: ./imaptest clients=1 seed=1 secs=30 msgs...
2017 Mar 21
Clang -O0 performs optimizations that undermine dynamic bug-finding tools
...{ return count[7]; } Note, that Clang printed a warning and then optimized the invalid access away (which is legit since it is UB). However, note that that cases exist where no warning is printed. For example, consider the following program: #include <ctype.h> int main() { isalnum(1000000); isalpha(1000000); iscntrl(1000000); isdigit(1000000); isgraph(1000000); islower(1000000); isprint(1000000); ispunct(1000000); isspace(1000000); isupper(1000000); isxdigit(1000000); } The glibc (on my system) implements the macros by calling __ctype_b_loc()...
2005 Feb 21
I am wondering whether there is a bug in rnorm. When generating rnorm(1000000) and counting the cases > 4 and the cases < (-4) I get rather unexpectedly low counts for the latter. The problem goes away when using qnorm(runif(1000000)). Fritz Scholz, PhD Applied Statistics Group Boeing Phantom Works fritz.scholz at 425-865-3623 Tu/We 206-542-6545 (most...
2000 Apr 30
rpois hangs (PR#530)
Full_Name: Kjetil Kjernsmo Version: Version 1.0.0 OS: osf1 Submission from: (NULL) ( Dear all, I have come across another really strange bug in rpois. If I do > rpois(1, 1000000 * rpois(1, 10000)) sometimes it hangs, and hangs... On my XP1000 alphaev6 workstation, it seems to happen more frequently than on other machines. I started a session on an older computer, and from the start, it looks like this: > rpois(1, 1000000 * rpois(1, 10000)) [1] 1537190728 > ^[[A Err...
2014 Aug 28
OT: problems with pam_mount
...older). I think pam had a problem with the kerberos ticket? The error 126? I tested it with debian/wheezy and Xubuntu 14.04 LTS. The manual mount work,... Bye Gregor (pam_mount.c:554): pam_mount 2.13: entering session stage reenter password for pam_mount: (misc.c:39): Session open: (ruid/rgid=0/1000000, e=0/1000000) (mount.c:267): Mount info: globalconf, user=gburck <volume fstype="cifs" server="edfs001.mvz.ffm" path="users\gburck" mountpoint="/home/MVZ/gburck" cipher="(null)" fskeypath="(null)" fskeycipher="(null)" fskey...
2012 Sep 21
Xen 4.2.0 - CPU Frequency Scaling
...: 0 affected_cpus : 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 cpuinfo frequency : max [2000000] min [800000] cur [800000] scaling_driver : scaling_avail_gov : userspace performance powersave ondemand current_governor : ondemand ondemand specific : sampling_rate : max [10000000] min [10000] cur [20000] up_threshold : 80 scaling_avail_freq : 2000000 1500000 1300000 1000000 *800000 scaling frequency : max [2000000] min [800000] cur [800000] cpu id : 1 affected_cpus : 1 cpuinfo frequency : max [2000000] min [800000] cur [800000] scalin...
2019 Feb 26
UID provided by rid idmap is out of the range imposed in smb.cof
Hello, I had a problem with Samba winbind id-mapping  on a system that is part of an AD domain. In the smb.conf I have the following setting: idmap config <domain> : backend = rid idmap config <domain> : range = 1000000-3000000 idmap config <domain> : schema_mode = rfc2307 winbindd was failing to convert some user SID to UID and in the idmap logs I have the following error: Requested id (7003151) out of range (1000000 - 3000000). Filtered! I have fixed the issue by increasing the range to 1000000-1000000...
2018 Feb 13
dovecot: master: Panic: kevent() failed: Invalid argument
...list, but I didn't see a definitive fix.? If it's been fixed, please ignore this post (sorry!). I finally managed to observe the bug on a server that has the patch that prints out the kevent() timespec values and got: Nov 29 16:46:27 mail dovecot: master: Panic: kevent(events=74, ts=59.1000000000) failed: Invalid argument Looking through the code, the panic is triggered in io_loop_handler_run_internal().? The timeout values for the kevent() call are obtained by calling io_loop_get_wait_time(), which in turn calls timeout_get_wait_time() (both in ioloop.c). The timeout is computed by...
2007 Dec 06
HTB performance improvement
...ngle -A PREROUTING -i eth0.1 -p udp --dport 1003 -j MARK --set-mark 3 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0.1 -p udp --dport 1003 -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 4 tc qdisc add dev eth0.2 root handle 1: htb tc class add dev eth0.2 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb  rate 100000000 ceil 100000000 burst 1000000 quantum 1600 tc class add dev eth0.2 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb prio 1 rate 70000000 ceil 70000000 burst 1000000 quantum 1600 tc class add dev eth0.2 parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb prio 2 rate 10000000 ceil 10000000 burst 1000000 quantum 1600 tc class add dev eth0.2...
2009 Sep 09
dtrace overhead and proper measuring technique
...self->vts = 0; } pid$target::nsMenuX??MenuConstruct*:entry { self->ts = timestamp; self->vts = vtimestamp; } pid$target::nsMenuX??MenuConstruct*:return /self->ts/ { this->ts = timestamp - self->ts; this->vts = vtimestamp - self->vts; @tsint = sum(this->ts / 1000000); @tsfrac = sum(this->ts % 1000000); @vtsint = sum(this->vts / 1000000); @vtsfrac = sum(this->vts % 1000000); @n = count(); self->ts = 0; self->vts = 0; /*ustack();*/ } END { t = timestamp; printa("elapsed: %@u.%@06ums\n", @tsint, @tsfrac); printa(&quot...
2019 Dec 05
security = ads, backend = ad parameter not working in samba 4.10.10
...convert sid S-1-5-21-2685600491-4108878147-961307473- > > 2662: > > NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER > > > > > > [1] > > idmap config CORP.LOCAL : backend = ad > > > > [2] > > root at repo:~# getent passwd "vmjp01" > > vmjp01:*:1000019:1000000::/srv/samba/users/vmjp01:/bin/false > > root at repo:~# getent passwd "maa001" > > maa001:*:1000020:1000000::/srv/samba/users/maa001:/bin/false > > root at repo:~# getent passwd "tsdg01" > > tsdg01:*:1000021:1000000::/srv/samba/users/tsdg01:/bin/false &gt...
2019 Dec 05
security = ads, backend = ad parameter not working in samba 4.10.10
...sswd username' don't produce any new id . and in /var/log/samba/winbindd.log I see Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-2685600491-4108878147-961307473-2662: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER [1] idmap config CORP.LOCAL : backend = ad [2] root at repo:~# getent passwd "vmjp01" vmjp01:*:1000019:1000000::/srv/samba/users/vmjp01:/bin/false root at repo:~# getent passwd "maa001" maa001:*:1000020:1000000::/srv/samba/users/maa001:/bin/false root at repo:~# getent passwd "tsdg01" tsdg01:*:1000021:1000000::/srv/samba/users/tsdg01:/bin/false root at repo:~# getent passwd "rmac01&...
2018 Sep 21
Bias in R's random integers?
...25 45 90 98 11 44 51 > set.seed(42) > sample_int(6, 10, replace = TRUE) [1] 6 6 2 5 4 4 5 1 4 5 > sample_int(100, 10) [1] 46 72 92 25 45 90 98 11 44 51 But there is no bias with the alternative method: > m <- ceiling((2/5)*2^32) > set.seed(42) > x <-, 1000000, replace = TRUE) > table(x %% 2) 0 1 467768 532232 > set.seed(42) > y <- sample_int(m, 1000000, replace = TRUE) > table(y %% 2) 0 1 500586 499414 The differences are also visible when sampling only a few values from 'm' possible values: > set.s...