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2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Thanks for your help so far Gaël, but I ran into more trouble. I installed the JDK on my system and the messages indicated the JVM version needs to be 1.6. Did you intend to link me to Java 7? LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/server/:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/ Buildfile: /path/to/code/vmkit/mmtk/java/build.xml main: [javac]
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Ok, I have exactly the same problem when I compile, I will try to understand where is the problem. Gaël 2013/11/21 Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at>: > Arg, you have to use a version strictly before the 7u25 (probably the > 7u21), sorry! > > I hope that it will work, because I also have problem to compile the > trunk version of vmkit (I haven't tested the trunk
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Arg, you have to use a version strictly before the 7u25 (probably the 7u21), sorry! I hope that it will work, because I also have problem to compile the trunk version of vmkit (I haven't tested the trunk since two months). I'm investigating. Tell me if it works for you with an older version :) See you, Gaël PS: the warning messages are not important 2013/11/21 Adam Pridgen
2013 Nov 22
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Is there a particular revision in the repository that I can checkout and work from? Thanks, -- Adam On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at> wrote: > Ok, I have exactly the same problem when I compile, I will try to > understand where is the problem. > > Gaël > > 2013/11/21 Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at>: >> Arg, you
2007 Jul 28
Error when using the cat function
Is the following developed in my console output a recognized bug or am I using the cat function incorrectly? Thanks, Stan > ifelse(class(data[[n]])!="factor",{print("yes")},{print("no")}) [1] "yes" [1] "yes" > ifelse(class(data[[n]])!="factor",{cat("yes")},{cat("no")}) yesError in ans[test & !nas] <-
2004 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] Problems with nighttest FeatureTests
I think there is a very similar situation with the PowerPC/Mac OS X nightly tests. Over each of the past few nights, something has been filling up the process table, causing me to be unable to log in. The nightly tester wrote out regression test and feature test logs featuring hundreds of "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors from fork(), so I assume it's the qmtest
2004 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] Problems with nighttest FeatureTests
>> I'm not sure that I follow. The qmtest stuff isn't working on Zion >> because (I believe) of an upgrade that happened on the machine (the >> qmtest >> binary doesn't work anymore?). Are you seeing a problem on freebsd where >> the feature tests go into a loop? If so, can you provide us with more >> information? >> make, ~ > ps -xu
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
I also misunderstood :) So, in this case, the problem is that your version of openjdk is probably not supported. In fact, we only support the version 7u23 of openjdk :) You can find this version here: Currently, I'm modifying the internal design of vmkit and I'm not working
2004 Nov 02
[LLVMdev] Problems with nighttest FeatureTests
>> > I assume you're talking about the FreeBSD run. I'm not sure what is >> > going >> > on >> >> No. You can see problem with Feature tests at >> also (see Feature Test Results >> section ) > > I'm not sure that I follow. The qmtest stuff isn't working on Zion > because (I
2006 Oct 23
nested if/else very slow, more efficient ways?
Hello, in the data.frame "resultsfuzzy" I would like to replace the characters in the second column ("5a", "5b", ... "5e") with numbers from 1 to 5. The data.frame has 39150 entries. I seems to work on samples that are << nrow(resultsfuzzy) but it takes suspicously long. Do you have any suggestions how to make the character replacing more
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
I guess I mispoke, I checked out the source from I thought this was vmkit2. I guess I was just referring to vmkit then. On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at> wrote: > Hi Adam, > > I don't know which repo you have used? Because only the llvm repo is > maintained (not the gforge one), and
2004 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] Problems with nighttest FeatureTests
A typo in test/Makefile was the trigger for this problem: 020216.html John, can you please look into this bug some more and add some error checking to the llvm-specific qmtest python modules to make this error less severe? Thanks! -Brian On Nov 3, 2004, at 10:35 AM, Brian Gaeke wrote: > > I think there is a very
2004 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] Problems with nighttest FeatureTests
Brian Gaeke wrote: > > A typo in test/Makefile was the trigger for this problem: > > > 020216.html > > John, can you please look into this bug some more and add some error > checking to the llvm-specific qmtest python modules to make this error > less severe? Does the fork bomb occur in the
2011 Oct 11
Is there a problem with C6 CR and glibc?
C6 with CR x86_64 Third time when trying to install a packet I get: yum install samba [...] --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: glibc-2.12-1.7.el6_0.5.i686 (updates) Requires: glibc-common = 2.12-1.7.el6_0.5 Installed: glibc-common-2.12-1.25.el6_1.3.x86_64 (@cr) glibc-common = 2.12-1.25.el6_1.3 Available:
2012 Oct 04
CEBA-2012:1337 CentOS 6 systemtap Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2012:1337 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: 78e4e7183cabb6a0f708f24c57a8c4aaeed1d6e564aa49d4e4c85cce9fa1efa2 systemtap-1.7-5.el6_3.1.i686.rpm
2009 Dec 27
Scaling error
Hi useRs, I ran into an inconsistent output problem again. Here is the simplify illustration I've got a matrix as follows > x V1 V2 V3 [1,] 1 2 3 [2,] 4 5 6 [3,] 7 8 9 Associated with the matrix is a scaling factor, sca, derived from, say the mean of the respective columns, V1-V3; > sca V1 V2 V3 2.5 1.7 3.6
2009 Nov 13
data frame subsets?
Hello, I am trying to create data frame subsets based on binned temperature data. I have code working to create the bins (d.1 and d.2), but it takes two steps, I was wondering if I could merge into one step. See Below d n year mo da hr t td tw rh kPa 1 1 1945 3 1 0 1.1 0.0 0.6 92 101.7 2 2 1945 3 1 1 2.8 -1.1 1.1 76 101.8 3 3 1945 3 1 2 2.2 -1.7 0.6 75 101.9 4 4
2008 Jan 07
Hi guys, What do you think if we make wiki background a little darker ?, see the following screenshot: And, what do you think about the following messages style: The relevant changes from
2004 Aug 06
3 trouble with latest CVS checkout
Hello All: I just checked out the whole icecast but cannot build anything because autogen wouldn't cooperate. I have automake-1.7.6 just installed from Below is an example output in trying to build "icecast"; it's not very short... Thanks in advance for any help. --- $~/icecast/icecast> ./ Checking for automake version found automake found
2012 Jun 02
mgcv (bam) very large standard error difference between versions 1.7-11 and 1.7-17, bug?
Dear useRs, I reran an analysis with bam (mgcv, version 1.7-17) originally conducted using an older version of bam (mgcv, version 1.7-11) and this resulted in the same estimates, but much lower standard errors (in some cases 20 times as low) and lower p-values. This obviously results in a larger set of significant predictors. Is this result expected given the improvements in the new version? Or