search for: 1.0.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1764 matches for "1.0.1".

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2010 Mar 30
CentOS 3.8+Wine
Can wine install in CentOS 3.8? I'd tried the following method but failed to install wine. *_Method 1_* [root at gloin yum.repos.d]# yum install wine Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) Server: CentOS-3 - Addons Server: CentOS-3 - Base Server: CentOS-3 - Extras Server: CentOS-3 - Updates Finding updated packages Downloading needed headers Cannot find a package
2008 Dec 20
IMAP_Authenticatable Problem
Good morning all, I''ve been using the imap_authenticatable plugin for about a year now without incident. All of a sudden, I tried logging in this morning and this error is showing up in the logs. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks, Pete NoMethodError (undefined method `disconnect'' for nil:NilClass):
2007 Mar 10
upgrading rails to 1.2.2 giving me mongrel errors
I''m working on upgrading to rails 1.2.2 from 1.1.6 and getting the mongrel error below in development mode. Now things seem to work fine with 1.1.6and 1.2.2 (in prod mode). Any ideas what might cause this? Googling gave me very little to work with. This was the closest thing i found I''m running Ubuntu with mongrel 1.0.1 and fastthread
2007 Jun 15
404 Error in any controller/action on Media Temple
Hi everybody. I''m a newbie on RoR. I have some experiencie developing in PHP or Java, but I''m just starting with RoR. A few days ago I signed up to the (gs) Grid Service on Media Temple. This is my very first experience deplying RoR on a production enviroment. Until now I just used the WebRick server on developement. Well, the problem I''m having is that after
2007 Apr 21
Hi Guys, Am building an app in rails1.2.1 and wanted to use the auto_complete. So i have it set out as follows. # view <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :contact, :first_name %> # controller auto_complete_for :contact, :first_name But this is all l get NoMethodError in ContactsController#index undefined method `auto_complete_for'' for #<ContactsController: 0x3384570>
2008 May 07
I am just learning some about web service. But many guys still use Java (Jws). But I wanna try ROR. There are less information about it. I can''t get install plugin in the ROR 2.0.x. So I followed the standard textbook("Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd" and "Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers") I almost finished it. However, I can''t find my api
2007 Jul 16
mongrel_rails start working mongrel_rails cluster::start not working
Hi everybody, I have installed mongrel and mongrel cluster in a new linux box .... at the end of the day I was able to lunch mongrel (mongrel_rails start -e production) and all is working fine with. However, when I tried to set a mongrel cluster the command mongrel_rails cluster::start get the following output : starting port 8000 starting port 8001 starting port 8002 But when I lunched the
2014 Sep 03
CEBA-2014:1141 CentOS 6 openscap BugFix Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2014:1141 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: b952c73cee7845e66dbb71a4614880421e7cb68268fe8390dafc45de1a338dca openscap-1.0.8-1.0.1.el6.centos.1.i686.rpm
2007 Jul 18
Yet another "mongrel dying daily" case
I was hoping that someone can help me with this, which have been driving me nuts -- I have had my mongrel cluster dying daily. And yes, I have gone through the check list of possible causes: I don''t do log rotating I use active_record for session storage I don''t use SQLite and Berkeley DB The MySQL timeout is set to 3600 I am using only 10% of the memory. I am using RedHat
2016 Feb 19
[ANNOUNCE] xf86-video-amdgpu 1.0.1
I'm pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.1 of xf86-video-amdgpu, the Xorg driver for AMD GPUs using the amdgpu kernel driver. This is a pure bugfix release with the main purpose of fixing a bug which would prevent the driver from initializing successfully with glamor enabled on top of the upcoming Mesa 11.2 release. Michel Dänzer (6): sync: Check if miSyncShmScreenInit
2009 Mar 24
update yum
Am trying to update my wine i get the following .. [] download]# yum update wine* Loading "priorities" plugin Loading "fastestmirror" plugin Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * epel: * rpmforge: * base: * updates: * addons: * extras:
2013 Jan 25
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 95, Issue 9
Send CentOS-announce mailing list submissions to centos-announce at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to centos-announce-request at You can reach the person managing the list at centos-announce-owner at When
2013 Jul 03
VM destroy faiing in 1.0.1
Hi, Virsh destroy is always failing with below error. [host:~]$ virsh destroy XYZ--2 error: Failed to destroy domain XYZ--2 error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running [host:~]$ virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- - XYZ--2 shut off [host:~]$ host:~]$ libvirtd --version
2007 Nov 15
Link_to popup divorced from controller?
Here''s my case: Using a link_to popup window to show a related help file of an element on a page. The problem: Window pops up perfectly, but refuses to carryover @instance variables in the controller that I referenced in the link_to command. The tests: - I have the right controller/class, because it renders a specific template, which is what it does. - I have the right template/view,
2007 Mar 13
Getting Started without Rails
Hi, everyone. I am in the process of learning Ruby. I''ve concluded that there are couple of quirks with mod_ruby that are limiting me a fair bit, so I''m looking for an alternative. From what I''ve read, Mongrel is The Answer. However, this has left me with a few questions. I''m looking for some help getting a non-rails Mongrel started... I can''t
2007 Mar 12
setup/config issue
Hey everyone. I''ve got my linux apache 2.0 server set up with vhost.conf to forward traffic to mongrel on port 8000. It''s working fine in some situations, but I recently installed a rails app that is giving me all sorts of missing model and controller errors. The app works on other servers, so I''m guessing there''s some sort of mongrel/rails interaction issue
2010 Nov 12
X11R7.6 Release Candidate 1
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 It's a bit after 11pm, on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, so what better time for a new release of X11! Release Candidate 1 of X11R7.6 has been posted at: This includes all the source tar files for the versions of the modules currently considered part of the core release set (aka the
2000 May 03
Bug report -- 1.0.1, HP-UX (PR#532)
Dear R folks, Additional problem... failed, so am sending it from another mailer. The file it generated is appended. Thanks Russ -- Russell V. Lenth -- Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science The University of Iowa -- Iowa City, IA 52242 USA Tel (319)335-0814 -- FAX (319)335-3017 - =====
2009 Jan 21
How to get 1.0.1
I'm new in Linux (Ubuntu 8.04) and pre-new in Wine. Apprently 1.0.1 is the latest stable release, but I can't find a way to get it by following any of the links on the WineHQ pages. I always end up at a page that's warning me I'll be downloading a beta version, even though I've clicked on a link that promises 1.0.1 All help welcome, but please don't point me to a tar.gz -
2006 Mar 20
FreeRadius version
It seems to me that the ver of FreeRadius is 1.0.1: yum list | grep "radius" freeradius.i386 1.0.1-3.RHEL4 installed freeradius-mysql.i386 1.0.1-3.RHEL4 base freeradius-postgresql.i386 1.0.1-3.RHEL4 base freeradius-unixODBC.i386 1.0.1-3.RHEL4 base According to, this