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2013 Aug 27
R Language Newbie
Hi, set.seed(29) myVector<- rnorm(100) ?seq(1,100,by=2) # [1]? 1? 3? 5? 7? 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 #[26] 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 myVector[seq(1,100,by=2)] rev(myVector) ?sum(myVector>0) #[1] 46 #or ?table(myVector>0) # #FALSE? TRUE ?...
2004 Mar 05
Application of step to coxph using method="exact" (PR#6646)
Full_Name: John E. Kolassa Version: Version 1.8.1 OS: Solaris Submission from: (NULL) ( Stepwise model selection for coxph appears to fail with method="exact". The code step(coxph(Surv(1:100,rep(1,100))~factor(rep(1:4,25)),method="exact")) produces the error message Start: AIC= 733.07 Surv(1:100, rep(1,...
2010 Sep 23
scatterplot 3d equal axis sequence length limitation
I was wondering if anyone has a way out of the limitation that you must use equal length x,y, and z sequence lengths. For instance, x<-seq(1,100) y<-seq(1,100) z<-rnorm(100) scatterplot3d(z,x,y) works fine. However, if I get some results that has a different y subset length, such as x<-seq(1,100) y<-seq(1,300) z<-rnorm(100) scatterplot3d(z,x,y) I get the following error: Error in xyz.coords(x = x, y = y, z = z, xlab =...
2009 Feb 27
question about 3-d plot
Hi R Users, I have produced a simulated scatter plot of y versus x tightly clustered around the 45 degree line through the origin with the following code: x <- seq(1,100) y <- x+rnorm(100,0,10) plot(x,y,col="blue") abline(0,1) Is there some way to generate a 3-dimensional analogue of this? Can I get a similar simulated scatter plot of points in 3 dimensions where the points are clustered around a plane through the origin where the plane in ques...
2011 Jun 28
problem with corrgram function
Dear list, I have a problem with the "corrgram" function. It does not seem to "color" large negative correlations, while the same correlation, if positive, provides no problems. Is this a bug? require(corrgram) a = seq(1,100) b = -jitter(seq(1,100), 80) cor(a,b) # r about -.96,b)) corrgram(c, order=NULL, lower.panel=panel.pie,upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt) # no color c$b = -1*c$b # flip direction of correlation cor(c$a, c$b) # r now about +.96 corrgram(c, order=NULL, lower...
2008 Jun 21
Coloring Stripchart Points, or Better, Lattice Equivalent
...doing this with Lattice, but I?ve tried several variations of stripplot and can?t even get something with the general layout of the stripchart version. Thanks, Bryan ************* Bryan Hanson Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry DePauw University, Greencastle IN USA index <- round(runif(100, 1, 100)) resp <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) yr <- rep(c("2005", "2006"), 50) all <- data.frame(index, resp, yr) for (n in 1:length(all$index)) { if (all$yr[n] == 2005) {all$col[n] <- "red"} else {all$col[n] <- "blue"} } for (n in 1:leng...
2001 Nov 27
Table Command (PR#1182)
Full_Name: Manisha Desai Version: 1.3.0 OS: UNIX Submission from: (NULL) ( There may be a bug in the table command. The value of 0 does not appear to show up (at least in this version of R). The following is an example: > blah<-c(rep(1,100),rep(0,100)) > table(blah) Gives the following: blah 1 100...
2007 Dec 10
Neat conditional assignment
I would like to make a new vector with values taken from two existing vectors conditional upon a third. At present I am doing this with a for loop but wonder if there is not a neater way, given some of the very neat things R can do. a<-rep(c("A","B"),50) b<-rep(1,100) c<-rep(2,100) a is thus "A" "B" "A" "B" "A" "B"... b is thus 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... c is thus 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... I want d[i] to be b[i] if a[i]=="A" and c[i] if a[i]=="B". I'm current using a for loop: d<-rep(0,...
2007 Jan 03
problem with logLik and offsets
Hi, I'm trying to compare models, one of which has all parameters fixed using offsets. The log-likelihoods seem reasonble in all cases except the model in which there are no free parameters (model3 in the toy example below). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Jarrod x<-rnorm(100) y<-rnorm(100, 1+x) model1<-lm(y~x) logLik(model1) sum(dnorm(y, predict(model1), summary(model1)$sigma,log=TRUE)) # no offset - in agreement model2<-lm(y~offset(rep(1,100))+x-1) logLik(model2) sum(dnorm(y, predict(model2),summary(model2)$sigma,log=TRUE)) # offset and free parameters...
2011 Oct 04
matrix of chi-square results for all combinations of data frame
...nd then use that in a loop to get the p-values with chisq.test() . It works if I specify the combination by hand but not in the loop. What am I doing wrong? ( I would appreciate any advice. Sample code below. Thanks in advance Christiaan # Sample Code # create test data df=data.frame(x=sample(0:1,100,replace=TRUE),x.1=sample(0:1,100,replace=TRUE), x.2=sample(0:1,100,replace=TRUE), x.3=sample(0:1,100,replace=TRUE)) # make a data frame of all possible combinations grd=expand.grid(colnames(df),colnames(df)) # make vector of p values pval <- for (i in 1: length(grd[,1])){ chisq.test(df...
2011 Jul 15
Plotting survival curves from a Cox model with time dependent covariates
Dear all, Let's assume I have a clinical trial with two treatments and a time to event outcome. I am trying to fit a Cox model with a time dependent treatment effect and then plot the predicted survival curve for one treatment (or both). library(survival) test <- list(time=runif(100,0,10),event=sample(0:1,100,replace=T),trmt=sample(0:1,100,replace=T)) model1 <- coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ tt(trmt), data=test, tt=function(x, t, ...) pspline(x + t)) newdat1 <- data.frame(trmt=1,time=list(0,1,2,3,4,5)) plot(survfit(model1,newdata=newdat1,individual=T), xlab = "Years&q...
2010 Nov 16
LATTICE. On skip, index.cond with a formula like Y~X|A+B
Dear invaluable R-list, my present problem is arranging/removing some panels in a lattice plot. Please consider the following: <-, TREAT=LETTERS[1:4], REF=letters[1:4] ) ) <-[order($TREAT,$REF), ] <-[,2:3],...
2009 Nov 02
Optimizar código
Hola lista, tengo una base de datos muy grande de un datalogger. Consiste en un vector con 0's y 1's, y tengo que ver cuando hay 600 o más unos seguidos. Se me ocurrió hacerlo con un loop for. Pero tarda demasiado. También intente usar which para que seleccione solo los 1 para empezar a sumar pero no hay gran diferencia. A alguien se le ocurre alguna solución para hacerlo más rápido? Acá es...
2001 Feb 05
clipped lines have wrong slope in log plot (PR#839)
Hi, I'm using R version 1.2.0 (2000-12-15), on RedHat Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.2.14). The following command ought to plot a straight-line on a log-log graph but instead plots two line segments, both with the wrong slope: plot(c(1,10,100),c(100,10,1),type="l",xlim=c(1,20),ylim=c(1,20),log="xy") Only clipp...
2002 Mar 20
inverted axis
Hello everybody! Spse I have the following X <- seq(1:100) #(a dim(100) sequence of integers 1:100 representing the possible actions of player 1 and player2 in a game) BR2X<- br2(X) #(a dim(100) sequence of points on range (1,100) representing the best response function of player 2 to player 1:s actions) BR1X<- br1(X) #(a dim(100)...
2012 May 31
Remove columns from dataframe based on their statistics
Hi, I have a dataframe and want to remove columns from it that are populated with a similar value (for the total column) (the variation of that column is 0). Is there an easier way than to calculate the statistics and then remove them by hand? A <- runif(100) B <- rep(1,100) C <- rep(2.42,100) D <- runif(100) df <- data.frame(A,B,C,D) # if want to conditionally remove column B and C as they show no variations /Johannes -- Jetzt informieren:
2006 Aug 02
lme4 and lmeSplines
I'm trying to use the lmeSplines package together with lme4. Below is (1) an example of lmeSplines together with nlme (2) an attempt to use lmeSplines with lme4 (3) then a comparison of the random effects from the two different methods. (1) require(lmeSplines) data(smSplineEx1) dat <- smSplineEx1 dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat) plot(dat.lo) dat$all <- rep(1...
2003 Aug 19
Variance Computing- - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I am running a few simulations for clinical trial anlysis. I want some help regarding the following. We know trhat as the sample size increases, the variance should decrease, but I am getting some unexpected results. SO I ran a code (shown below) to check the validity of this. large<-array(1,c(1000,1000)) small<-array(1,c(100,1000)) for(i in 1:1000){large[i,]<-rnorm(1000,0,3)} for(i in 1:1000){small[i,]<-rnorm(100,0,3)}} yy<-array(1,100) for(i in 1:100){yy[i]<-var(small[i,])} y1y<-array(1,1000) for(i in 1:1000){y1y[i]<-var(large[i,])} mean(yy);mean(y1y); [1] 8.944...
2006 Dec 04
I need help to connect Postgres and Ruby on Rails Please.
...nd trying to do a project in Ruby on Rails and I need to connect with a Data Base that is en Postgres, the truth is that I didn’t think that it was so hard to connect a DB with postgres because I was working with Msyql and everything was easy. This are the thinks that I have install in my computer. 1. Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.27-2-686. 2. Ruby 1.8.2 3. Postgresql 7.4.7-6 sarge1 4. Gems: actionmailer-1.2.5, actionpack-1.12.5, actionwebservice-1.1.6, activerecord-1.14.4, activesupport-1.3.1, postgres-pr-0.2.1, rails-1.1.6, rake-0.7.1 5. ruby-postgres-0.7.1.tar.tar The error is that after...
2008 Jun 26
Gettting barchart titles as numbers not characters
Hi, I wonder if you could help me with my barcharts, I am using the barchart function from the lattice library. I have data like this: Complex,Organisms,Percentage 130,0,50 130,1,10 130,2,20 130,3,15 130,4,5 133,0,10 133,1,15 133,2,20 133,3,50 133,4,5 I draw barcharts using this command... barchart(Percentage~Organisms|Complex,data=data,layout=c(1,2),col=rainbow(5),box.ratio=3,horizontal=FALSE,xlim=c(" 0 "," 1 "," 2 "," 3 &qu...