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2004 Jun 23
CRIS port of klibc
klibc now runs on the CRIS archtitecture. The patch below is against 0.146. Most of the changes are trivial but the new files in libgcc requires some comments. __negdi2.c: The CRIS port fallbacks to C-code for negdi2. The code in __negdi2.c is copied from libgcc2.c but with modified typenames. I would really appreciate if someone could check if it seams sane. crisarith.c: CRIS has no built-in
2009 Nov 03
about the cox result
Hi all: I finished cox analysis like this: fit_cox<-coxph(Surv(dat$Time, dat$death) ~ dat$CD4 + strata(dat$gender),data=dat); > fit_cox Call: coxph(formula = Surv(data_ori$Time, data_ori$death) ~ data_ori$drug + strata(data_ori$gender), data = data_ori) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p data_ori$drugddI 0.216 1.24 0.146 1.47 0.14 Likelihood ratio test=2.17 on
2009 Dec 08
Split comma separated list
Hi all, I'm a beginner user of R. I am stuck at what I thought was a very obvious problem, but surprisingly, I havent found any solution on the forum or online till now. My problem is simple. I have a file which has entries like the following: #ID Value1 List_of_values ID1 0.342 0.01,1.2,0,0.323,0.67 ID2 0.010 0.987,0.056,1.3,1.5,0.4
2010 Feb 17
extract the data that match
Hi r-users,   I would like to extract the data that match.  Attached is my data: I'm interested in matchind the value in column 'intg' with value in column 'rand_no' > cbind(z=z,intg=dd,rand_no = rr)             z  intg rand_no    [1,]  0.00 0.000   0.001    [2,]  0.01 0.000   0.002    [3,]  0.02 0.000   0.002    [4,]  0.03 0.000   0.003    [5,]  0.04 0.000   0.003    [6,] 
2011 Dec 07
I am trying to specify a mixed model for my research, but I can't quite get it to work. I've spent several weeks looking thru various online sources to no avail. I can't find an example of someone trying to do precisely what I'm trying to do. I'm hoping some smart member of this mailing list may be able to help. First off, full disclosure: (1) I'm an engineer by trade, so
2006 Jul 06
KPSS test
Hi, Am I interpreting the results properly? Are my conclusions correct? > KPSS.test(df) ---- ---- KPSS test ---- ---- Null hypotheses: Level stationarity and stationarity around a linear trend. Alternative hypothesis: Unit root. ---- Statistic for the null hypothesis of level stationarity: 1.089 Critical values: 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.347 0.463
2006 Jul 06
Access values in kpssstat-class
Hi, How can I access the Values stored in kpssstat-class given by KPSS.test function and store it in a variable. For example: >x <- rnorm(1000) >test <- KPSS.test(ts(x)) >test ---- ---- KPSS test ---- ---- Null hypotheses: Level stationarity and stationarity around a linear trend. Alternative hypothesis: Unit root. ---- Statistic for the null
2008 May 08
acf function
Dear all, I have an annual time-series of population numbers and I would like to estimate the auto-correlation. Can I use acf() function and judge whether auto-correlation is significant by the plots? The acf array, eg: Autocorrelations of series 'x$log.s.r', by lag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.000 0.031 -0.171
2006 May 14
Suggestion for system.time()
Hi, people. A tiny suggestion for the system.time function. Could the returned vector have names? These could be like: c("User", "System", "Elapsed", "Sub.User", "Sub.System") That would then produce self-documenting output. -- Fran?ois Pinard
2009 Jan 04
R/octave/matlab etc.
I'd echo a lot of what has been said about this by the folk who have been making R work so well. One of the main difficulties is that the environment of computations affects relative performance. e.g., what settings did a distro package builder choose. I note that my 3 GHz Dual Core machine running Ubuntu 8.04 gets octave 3.0.0 octave:6> tic; a = a + 1; toc Elapsed time is 0.120027
2003 Nov 03
svm in e1071 package: polynomial vs linear kernel
I am trying to understand what is the difference between linear and polynomial kernel: linear: u'*v polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree It would seem that polynomial kernel with gamma = 1; coef0 = 0 and degree = 1 should be identical to linear kernel, however it gives me significantly different results for very simple data set, with linear kernel
2009 Feb 23
why results from regression tree (rpart) are totally inconsistent with ordinary regression
Hi, In my analysis of impacts of insecticide-treated bednets on malaria, I look at the relationship between malaria incidence and mosquito behaviors. The condensed data set is copied here. Ordinary regression (lm) shows that Incidence was negatively related to Mortality. This makes sense because the latter reflected the strength of killing mosquitoes by insecticide-treated nets. Since the
2006 Jan 30
weights argument in the lmer function in lme4
I suspect the weights argument is not having any effect. Package: Matrix Version: 0.995-2 Date: 2006-01-19 Beginning with this: Browse[1]> resp.lmer <- lmer(SensSSC ~ Block + Season + (1 | Plot) + (1 | Ma) + (1 | Pa) + + (1 | MaPa), weights = SensSSC.N, data = xx) I group the output into a table with my ran.eff function and get this:
2010 Jun 26
predict newdata question
Hi: I am using a subset of the below dataset to predict PRED_SUIT for the whole dataset but I am having trouble with 'newdata'. The model was created with 153 records and want to predict for 208 records. wolf2 <- structure(list(gridcell = c(367L, 444L, 533L, 587L, 598L, 609L, 620L, 629L, 641L, 651L, 662L, 674L, 684L, 695L, 738L, 748L, 804L, 805L, 872L, 919L, 929L, 938L, 950L, 958L,
2004 Dec 02
Dominant factors in aov?
Hi all, I'm using R 2.0.1. for Windows to analyze the influence of following factors on response Y: A (four levels) B (three levels) C (two levels) D (29 levels) with E (four replicates) The dataset looks like this: A B C D E Y 0 1 1 1 1 491.9 0 1 1 1 2 618.7 0 1 1 1 3 448.2 0 1 1 1 4 632.9 250 1 1 1 1 92.4 250 1 1 1 2 117 250 1 1 1 3 35.5 250 1 1 1 4 102.7 500 1 1 1 1 47 500 1 1 1 2 57.4
2009 Feb 26
using predict method with an offset
Hi, I have run into another problem using offsets, this time with the predict function, where there seems to be a contradiction again between the behavior and the help page. On the man page for predict.lm, it says Offsets specified by offset in the fit by lm will not be included in predictions, whereas those specified by an offset term in the formula will be. While it indicates nothings about
2010 Dec 21
please Help me on a repeated measures anova
I currently work on a draft of an aquatic bioassessment. The conditions tested are the following: ER river water T dechlorinated water control 0.5 + 0.5mg / L of malate T + 1 dechlorinated water control + 1g / L of malate T ED dechlorinated water control SED + ER + river water sediment SED ED + sediment + water dechlorinated. It is the result of AChE in muscle (fillet of fish). The production of
2010 Feb 04
help needed using t.test with factors
I am trying to use t.test on the following data: date type INTERVAL nCASES MTF SDF MTO SDO nFST MF nOBS MO MB BIASCV BIASEV ME MAE RMSE CRCF 2001-06-15 avn GE1.00 4385 0.246 0.300 1.502 0.556 1367 1.373 4385 1.502 1.471 0.285 0.164 -1.256 1.266 1.399 0.056 2001-06-15 avn
2006 Jun 14
lmer binomial model overestimating data?
Hi folks, Warning: I don't know if the result I am getting makes sense, so this may be a statistics question. The fitted values from my binomial lmer mixed model seem to consistently overestimate the cell means, and I don't know why. I assume I am doing something stupid. Below I include code, and a binary image of the data is available at this link:
2012 May 26
Assessing interaction effects in GLMMs
Dear R gurus I am running a GLMM that looks at whether chimpanzees spend time in shade more than sun (response variable 'y': used cbind() on counts in the sun and shade) based on the time of day (Time) and the availability of shade (Tertile). I've included some random factors too which are the chimpanzee in question (Individual) and where they are in a given area (Zone). There are