Setup samba for squid? Nothing special, most as normal, and yes, this works
Setup a samba member, no shares needed and all you need is : apt install winbind
Setup keytab and SPNs and join winbind to the domain.
Have a look here, some good pointers
But now tested up to 4.9.4 on Stretch.
I followed :
These are close to a very good setup, i just dont use msktutil myself.
I let winbind handle these things.
I dont say this often, but in this case, if you setup a new proxy now.
Use debian buster. Then you get all the needed packages you really want.
Samba 4.9.4, squid 4.4. latest icap servers.
Debian buster is in freeze stat now so should be pretty safe, i dont expact big
changes as of now.
Just dont install to much and keep it clean.
I just started with a squid 4.5 build for stretch yesterday,
testing this today, if i have time left.
Try to setup, questions ask again.
Note ahead, im out of the office between 1-4 Feb, so very slow reply from me.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens Leo
> C via samba
> Verzonden: dinsdag 29 januari 2019 20:36
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> CC: Leo C
> Onderwerp: [Samba] autenticate squid via samba 4
> Hi,
> Howto autenticate squid3 via samba 4, what i need to do in samba 4
> samba 4.9.4
> squid 3.5.23
> Debian 9.7
> --
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