I need to add a Windows 10 PC to a Samba 4 NT domain. I know it's not really a supported option, but I'm using an older build (1607) of Windows 10 which I believe should work. I've done what I would normally do to configure a Windows7 PC (including the LanmanWorkstation Parameters registry entries), and the Windows 10 PC seems to have joined the domain (I got the "Welcome to the domain" message). However, when I try to add a domain user on the PC, I get a message saying "This PC is having problems communicating with the domain. Try again or contact your domain administrator". When adding a domain user there's the option to Browse the domain for users, and when I use that it doesn't show the domain users. When I click the "Advanced" button then "Find Now" it prompts for the domain admin username and password. When I enter the credentials it shows all the domain users, but even if I select the user I want to add, I still get the above error message when I click OK to add the user. I've checked that SMB 1.0 is installed in Windows 10 (It's the only SMB version listed in the Features of this build of Windows 10), and I've also tried setting the Samba documented policy settings for the UNC Hardened Paths. I've also added a simple entry in the Windows 10 hosts file for the server, using the format:- Local-IP-Address ServerName For example:- sambaserver What do you think might be causing the problem? I'm not sure if the PC has correctly joined the domain (even though I got the welcome screen), or if I need to set some additional parameters etc.