I use a Synology NAS to store data. This NAS shares its data only
through the NFS protocol.
In this infrastructure, there is another machine configured as a
hypervisor. This hypervisor has access to data shared by NFS.
This hypervisor is on the same network (VLAN) as the NAS server.
Users on another VLAN would like to access data from a folder on the NFS
share. The problem is that the NAS is not on the same VLAN as these
users. I can not attach this NAS to the users VLAN.
So I created an LXC container on the hypervisor and declared this
container as attached to the users VLAN. It works, users see this
container well. Now, on the hypervisor, I shared a subfolder of the NFS
mount point with the container in question. The container sees this
share and has access to data via NFS.
New problem, users now would like to access the data from this container
through the Network Neighborhood of an Microsoft domain. So I installed
Samba-V4 as a member server of the domain. I'm wondering if Samba knows
how to share an NFS mount point while retaining SMB access rights? I
think it is not Samba's problem, but more an NFS's one.
I've heard about some problem with xattrs. What about vfs_acl_xattr
module for this configuration ? Are there properties of the smb.conf
file that I should optimize? I'm thinking about locks, but also about
ACLs and other possible optimizations.
Thank you for enlightening me on the feasibility of this project.
Marc-Henri Pamiseux - SARL Libricks - www.libricks.fr
6 rue LĂ©onard de Vinci - CS 20119, 53001 LAVAL Cedex
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