Hello Marc,
Thank you very much for your reply! To separate /var/lib/samba is a good
idea.... I use logical volumes too...
So you basically have the same partitions on the DCs as on your file
server? right?
KR, birgit
Marc Muehlfeld <mmuehlfeld at samba.org> schreibt:>Hello Birgit,
>Am 27.08.2015 um 21:58 schrieb oeh univie edv lists:
>> I'd like to set up a Samba DC, an additional DC and a Samba file
>> Everything is configured with RAID 1. I encrypt all partitions except
>> partition /boot (which is also on RAID).
>> What partitions, partition sizes, file system types do you use on your
>> Samba DC, additional DC and file server? Is there something like
>> practice"?
>I usually have the following default partitions (LV) on my production
>/ 5 GB
>/usr 5 GB
>/var 5 GB
>/tmp (1-n GB)
>/home (1-n GB)
>swap (4 GB)
>+ every shared folder or area datac can grow is on a separate LV, too
>All filesystems are XFS. Hardware raid level 6.
>You should keep in mind, that you may have folders/areas that can be
>filled by services or users with data. And if the volume they are on run
>out of space, it could happen, that other services stop running.
>An example: If you're having /var on a volume and your Samba DC
>databases in /var/lib/samba/ on the same one, it could happen, that the
>logs (/var/log/...) fill the volume, what causes your DC stop running,
>because it can't write into it's databases any more. If you worry
>that, I would put /var/lib/samba/ on a separate volume. Or you're having
>a good network monitoring or automatic resizing mechanisms, that
>prevents you from such problems. ;-)
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