On 2014-08-19 13:29, Sven Schwedas wrote:> Every once in a while, the DNS fails to resolve external domains ? but
> the DNS forwarder is still reachable (, I assume it would be
> noticeable if it had any issues).
> What debug class is used by the DNS code? I don't really want to put
> several DCs on log level 10 for possibly days?
I still haven't found the cause, but occasionally the server fails to
resolve a domain, and instead of timing out it just returns NXDOMAIN,
which apparently prevents clients from trying an alternate server.
Is this a known problem? It's causing sporadic issues for our mail
servers and Windows clients.
Mit freundlichen Gr??en, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwedas at tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167
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