We managed to fix this issue.
samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset --use-s3fs
samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset --use-ntvfs
And resync sysvol shares (via rsync) with all DCs.
We had to wait for a few minutes until replication (both sysvol shares
via rsync and internal DCs) finished.
On 08/04/14 10:54, I?igo Martinez Lasala wrote:> Hi everybody.
> One month ago me migrated from samba 3.6 classic domain to samba4.
> After solving some minor problems, we have found ourselves with a ACL
> corruption and we don't know how to deal with this.
> When accesing to our sysvol shared (for example,
> \\domain.local\sysvol) from both Samba or Windows clients, we are
> refused to connect.
> Domain=[VECTORSF] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.1.4]
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED
> However we can access our sysvol shares directly (for example
> \\dc01.domain.local\sysvol or \\dc02.domain.local\sysvol).
> The problem raised after one tech ENFORCED one policy from GPO windows
> tool.
> After searching in forums, we managed to locate the problem. There is
> some problem with GPO ACLs.
> root at DC01:/tmp/policy# samba-tool ntacl sysvolcheck
> ERROR(<class 'samba.provision.ProvisioningError'>): uncaught
> - ProvisioningError: DB ACL on GPO directory
> does not match expected value
> from GPO object
> File
> line 175, in _run
> As you can see, the only difference is with O:LAG / O:DAG.
> Of course we have reset ACLs via samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset.
> We have also read something similar in this bugzilla.
> bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9483
> Changing owner (an resync) to match UID 512 for each Policy does not
> fix the problem.
> Thanks in advance!
I?igo Mart?nez Lasala
Director de IT
Tel.: (+34) 91 183 03 00
Camino del Cerro de los Gamos, 1 ? Edificio 6
28224 Pozuelo de Alarc?n
Madrid - Espa?a
Vector Software Factory
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