Hi, I am running samba 3.6.9 using the attached configuration. I am accessing the share from a windows box (CLIENT10) with user account userA which I want to map on samba server (SAMBA1) to userB. I am getting very strange behaviour - the access to the share from the windows is intermittent. Usually I can access it normally and then all of sudden I start getting errors 'logon failure'. When enabling samba logging (see the attached samba.log) I can see that in some cases the user is correctly mapped to userB (see the first attempt in the log and line 4) which resolves to successful authentication (line 8) but right after that?(5 seconds later)?is another case when from some reason the user is not mapped (line 12) and so the authentication fails (line 16). I am really puzzled why is this happening and where to look next. Thanks for any hints. Antony.