I've got a strange behaviour on a share when I copy files with files
explorers (like Thunar, Nautilus, ...).
This is the share configuration :
comment = Share 01
path = /home/shares/share1
valid users = +share1
force group = share1
read only = No
create mask = 0660
force create mode = 0660
directory mask = 1770
force directory mode = 1770
browseable = No
strict locking = Yes
When I copy/paste a file from my computer (which has 444 mode) to the
share the resultant file has 444 mode (instead of the 660 expected).
I think the mode was changed by the file explorer 'cause when the file
was created on the share (and during the copy process) the mode is 660
(like expected) it's just at the end of the copy that the mode was
change to reflect mode of the source file.
If I copy this file in command line the mode is 660 as expected, If I
want to simulate the file explorer behaviour I must do a 'cp
--preserve=mode' copy.
Is there a way to forbid this behaviour ? Or is there something wrong
in my configuration ?
Thanx by advance,
Ing?nieur Syst?mes et R?seau | Systems and Network Engineer
D?partement Informatique | Department of computer science
Responsable R?seau et T?l?phonie | Telecom and Network Manager
Universit? de Rouen | University of Rouen
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Universit? de Rouen
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