Hi Peter, (Changing mailing list to samba at samba.org, as samba-technical at samba.org is for development discussion) On 12/06/2011 05:13 PM, Peter Diks wrote:> As we use the standard samba package via apt-get within Squeeze to install > a samba-ldap as PDC ( version 3.5.6 ) we have noticed that cmd > *echo -ne Userpassword\\nUserpassword\\n" | smbldap-passwd username* > has to run twice for the user to be able to login on the domain. > The first time we run the command and configure the user as Zarafa-user, > Zarafa works fine but user cannot login to the samba-domain. > We set Shadowmax to 10000 ( default 99 ) and run the command the second > time set sambaLMpassword to NULL and then the user can login. We use a > samba-domain ( no microsoft DC present ) with XP - clients on which in > gpedit.msc we enable NOT to look at roaming profiles. > We suspect that the first time the command is run, it is not written > completely. > Is this a known fact? Has anyone any experience with this. If so, is 3.6.1 > the answer to this problem?Samba 3.6 does not include smbldap - smbldap is a separate project. See http://gna.org/projects/smbldap-tools Cheers, Jelmer