Please disregard.
It started working, out of the blue. (Yes, I had previously initiated my
changes, forced a restart and even waited a good handful of minutes before
performing a test delete.)
Robert Adkins II
> -----Original Message-----
> From: samba-bounces at
> [mailto:samba-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert Adkins II
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:27 AM
> To: samba at
> Subject: [Samba] VFS Objects Recycle questions
> I have a need to setup the recycle vfs object on our server.
> On my test server, I have all of the shares on a single
> drive and have put the following into each share:
> vfs_objects = recycle
> recycle:repository = [Actual Path and Partition that the
> share is located] recycle:directory_mode = 770
> recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
> recycle:versions = Yes
> It works like a charm. All of the files when deleted from
> each share are dumped into the RecycleBin share, I have
> created a new share just for the RecycleBin that I have also
> mounted that I can perform a final delete on the files located within.
> On the live server, there are several partitions with shares
> split across the several partitions. The setup is the same,
> in terms of having the above entered into the individual
> shares and the RecycleBin for each share is located on the
> same partition/mount point that the share is located.
> Example:
> [share1]
> wide links = no
> writeable = yes
> path = /mnt/disk2/share1
> write list = @share1
> force group = share1
> comment = Job Files and Related
> valid users = @share1
> create mode = 770
> user = @share1
> directory mode = 770
> vfs_objects = recycle
> recycle:repository = /mnt/disk2/sharebin/%u
> recycle:directory_mode = 770
> recycle:keeptree = Yes
> recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
> recycle:versions = Yes
> [sharebin]
> wide links = no
> writeable = yes
> path = /mnt/disk2/sharebin
> write list = @share1
> force directory mode = 770
> force group = share1
> sync always = yes
> force create mode = 770
> comment = Location of Recycle Bin
> valid users = @share1
> create mode = 770
> user = @share1
> directory mode = 770
> Everything else matches, the folders exist, the folder
> permissions are the same, it's just a no go on relinking the
> files on a delete command from the "share1" share.
> --
> Regards,
> Robert
> --
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