2010-Nov-11 08:31 UTC
[Samba] Trying to establish a unidirectional Trust between windows 2003 and samba 3
Hi i am trying to establish a unidirection trust between win2k3 and samba3. I followed I want windows to trust samba so that i can access the windows shares with my samba-users. The Linux system is CentOS 5.5 with samba3.x86_64 3.5.6-43.el5 from the sernet-samba repository. Accounts are stored in ldap with help of smbldap-tools. The samba domain is MY_DOMAIN, server is platin. Win2k3's domain is MYDOM.local, server is messing. What I did is: start domain.msc, establish new trust, fill in the samba domain name MY_DOMAIN, say its "unidirectioal outgoing"/"unidirektional ausgehend", mark that it is "domain wide authentication"/"Dom?nenweite Authentifizierung", fill in a trust password "not_24get" and mark "not confirm outgoing trust". The trust was succesfully created. A message dialog tells me that the SID-filter is activated, should i deactivate that? On samba side: net -I rpc trustdom add messing not_24get -Uadministrator%not24getEither -d 1 returns no errors, acount messing$ is created. The Paramater -i is added because samba doesn't listen to localhost. However when i try to check the status of the trust i get the error message: "The trust could not be confirmed, access denied"/"Die Best?tigung der Vertrauensstellung zwischen der Dom?ne MYDOM.local und MY_DOM konnte nicht einwandfrei durchgef?hrt werden. Grund: Zugriff verweigert. Entfernen Sie die Vertrauensstellung auf beiden Seiten, und f?gen Sie sie erneut hinzu." I set my log level = 2 in smb.conf but my server is busy and i see many messages. Searching for "messing" in the logfile gave no helpful hints. Accessing shares from a samba domain memeber failes with "trust between primary domain and trusting domain could not be established". What did i do wrong? What can i do next to track down the error? Thanks a lot Malte M?ller