On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 01:39:22PM +0100, Daniel M?ller
wrote:> it seems a few years ago there where a vfs
> (Dtabasefs!?)modul making it possible to build a virtual
> share from within a mysql database.
> In praxis: I thought to have images in my mysqldatabase.
> The virtual share in samba points to that database.
> Users could browse this virtual share and so searching the
> pitures is much more easier.
> Is there anything out that can do this?
> Or what are the conditions to build such vfs-module ?
Just do it :-)
Seriously: This is certainly doable, but it is probably a
considerable amount of work. Read-Only might be okay, but
once you start doing r/w access, things will become very
hairy very quickly.
As an alternative route, I would rather search in the fuse
filesystem space to see if such a thing exists for fuse.
This assumes that you're running on a platform that fuse
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