Diego Woitasen wrote:> Is there a way to detect logins and logouts in a samba domain? I need
> to add some firewalls rules when a user logins in the domain from a
> workstation and remove then when the user logouts.
IIUC you only can reliably detect logins, not logouts, since it seems
logouts aren't sent by win clients (to logout the client just removes
the tickets...).
And the reason is simple: the critical part is the authentication, then
the user could even detach from the network (unplugging the cable, for
example) and do whatever he wants -- even reconnect just to refresh tickets.
Diego Zuccato
Servizi Informatici
Dip. di Astronomia - Universit? di Bologna
Via Ranzani, 1 - 40126 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786
mail: diego.zuccato at unibo.it