I wrote this for a customer... here's a resume: McAfee Antivirus via McDaemon for Samba-Vscan (samba-uvscan module) by Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman <arturo.busleiman@intraredes.com> Published by intraRedes <info@intraredes.com> The samba-uvscan module allows a Samba share to analyze files located in it in search of virii. This analysis is performed by McAfee's uvscan by a middleware application called mcDaemon which implements simple preforking and load balancing of uvscan processes, to speed up a bit the response time of samba-uvscan. Of course, it does not accelerate uvscan scans itself, it just provides a method to utilize an uvscan license for Unix on Samba shares, giving the administrator time to migrate to a native solution. http://www.buanzo.com.ar/files/samba-2.2.8a-mcDaemon-intraRedes.tar.bz2 http://www.intraredes.com/projects/download/samba-2.2.8a-mcDaemon-intraRedes.tar.bz2 -- Arturo Busleiman - [ i n t r a R e d e s s r l ] Piedras 264 - 2 A (C1070AAF) - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA Te.: (54 11) 4342-0049 - http://www.intraredes.com/ mailto:arturo.busleiman@intraredes.com