First of all: Thanks Samba-Team for a job well-done on Samba-3.0.0 (nice new features) Now some problems: 1. We're use Veritas filesystem on our RedHat AS 2.1 server and quota don't seem to work at this moment (/usr/include/sys/fs/vx_quota.h is missing). So I thought that using "get quota command" would do the trick (just call vxquota and parse output). But nothing happend!!! Script was OK. After poking around in lib/sysquotas.c I found that "get quota command" was only called if HAVE_SYS_QUOTA is defined. I thought that "get quota command"should always be called upon when it is defined in smb.conf. 2. The man page of smb.conf seems to imply that the output of the "get quota command" should be returned as one result per line. This is wrongf: all results must be returned on one line comma seperated. Also the "set quota command" has some docu bug (some nroff tags are shown). 3. In the Samba-HOWTO-Docu... it says on page 141 that mapping domadm group to the "Domain Admins" group is done with a "net groupmap add" command. I think this should be "net groupmap modify" command. I ended up with a new "Domain Admins"-group having another RID which lead to some confusion (I am a domain admin but not). Keep up the good work, Ren? Nieuwenhuizen Afdeling Informatietechnologie Centraal Planbureau Bezoekadres: Van Stolkweg 14, 2585 JR Den Haag Postadres: Postbus 80510, 2508 GM Den Haag T (070) 3383 342 F (070) 3383 350 I -- ===============================================================================Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Het bericht is alleen bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien dit bericht niet voor u is bestemd, verzoeken wij u dit onmiddellijk aan ons te melden en de inhoud van het bericht te vernietigen. This message shall not constitute any obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please inform us immediately and delete its contents. ================================================================================