I've got a small problem and I'm sure it's something small I'm missing, however I cannot get any other user other than root to act as a domain admin. The machine is running RedHat 9 with samba-3.0.0beta3-1.i386.rpm installed. It is set up as a PDC and I have successfully created unix groups and mapped them to the samba NT groups. I have created 3 accounts: root, sscmjk(my login), and ssc13 (a machine account). I can add the machine to the domain using the root account, however I was unable to add it using my account. I also am unable to use my account in any other domain admin fashion. I have the following setup: in /etc/group ... dom_admins:x:200:sscmjk,root using net groupmap list I see ... Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-1201715603-3291376550-2865086597-512) -> dom_admins So what am I missing? Thanks in advance, ~Matt ------------------------------------- Matt Kirk Computer Support & Distance Learning Developement 3230 Willams Hall Dept. of Soil Science, NC State University (919) 513-2553 matt_kirk@ncsu.edu