Hi, Your message for me, Ray Rasmussen, has been sent to a screening program because I've been getting about 100 spams per day and sticking vodoo pins into cans of spam hasn't helped. If you want to reach me, it's easy. For this one time only - to verify that you are who you say you are., follow the instructions below. You'll be directed to a screening website and a way of signing in that the spammers can't beat. Please give it a try. Cheers, Ray Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails. You won't have to do this again. http://spamarrest.com/a?202901705:217659 Spam Arrest - Take control of your inbox! http://spamarrest.com/affl?1833001 ------------------------------------------------------------ You are receiving this message in response to your email to Ray Rasmussen, a Spam Arrest customer. Spam Arrest requests that senders verify themselves before their email is delivered. When you click the above link, you will be taken to a page with a graphic on it. Simply read the word in the graphic, type it into the form, and you're verified. You will only need to do this once per Spam Arrest customer. ------------------------------------------------------------ Webmasters help stop spam and make 50%. http://spamarrest.com/affl?1833001/affiliates/index.jsp ------------------------------------------------------------