----------------------- This e-mail is generated by the smtp2.scan.co.uk mail server to warn you that the e-mail sent by samba@samba.org to themanwhocan@scan.co.uk is infected with virus: Win32/Sobig.F@mm. Please contact your system administrator for further information. If you are the sender: ------------------- The scanned e-mail has your address in the <From> header field. Either your computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in the address book has been infected. (Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer. Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product). If you are the receiver: --------------------- Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a computer virus. Actions taken for the infected files: ------------------------------------- The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 1061362230-RAVh7K6oSD7061811. The file (part0002:document_9446.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Your details) sent by samba@samba.org to themanwhocan@scan.co.uk is infected with virus: Win32/Sobig.F@mm. Cannot clean this file. The file was successfully deleted by RAV AntiVirus. ------------------------ this is a copy of the e-mail header: RAV AntiVirus for FreeBSD i386 version: 8.4.0 (snapshot-20020920) Scan engine 8.11 for i386. Last update: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 08:32:18 +01 Scanning for 81518 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).