I have samba3.0 beta3 on solaris 8 and sunone directory server 5.1SP2 This is my smb.conf: [global] workgroup = TESTIPLANET netbios name = samba3test preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes wins support = Yes ldap suffix = o=mydomain,c=it ldap machine suffix = ou=people,o=mydomain,c=it ldap user suffix = ou=people,o=mydomain,c=it ldap group suffix = ou=group,o=mydomain,c=it ldap admin dn = uid=sambauser,cn=config ldap ssl = no passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// guest ldap passwd sync = yes encrypt passwords = yes [test] comment = "Test" path = /tmp read only = No When I try to connect to test share in the log file I receive this error: encode.c:472: failed assertion `LBER_VALID( ber )' and the share don't work. Any idea Bye Giovanni