Hi, I am trying to mount a bunch of WindowsXP Pro shares to a Linux computer using Samba. I use the following line to do so: /sbin/mount -t smbfs //winxp/share /mntpoint -o ro,guest There are about 25 WinXP shares that need to be mounted, all contained in one directory on the WinXP computer. For now, sharing & mounting the superdirectory of those shares is not an option, so what I have to do is issue 25 mount commands. However, after 4 successfull mounts, mount stops working leaving me with tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) When I umount one of the successfull mounts and mount another, it works perfectly. Is the number of mounts limited by WinXP or Samba to 4? Any solution, workaround? Thanks, Martin