Hi, We currently have Citrix Metaframe 1.8 running in an AD domain and are preparing to migrate to a Samba 2.2.8 PDC. The biggest issue for us is ensuring the Citrix server is properly integrated, and this remains a stumbling block after observing some strange behaviour when users login to the Citrix server when it is joined to the Samba domain. Simply put, user "tom" logs in successfully to the domain, but rather than get his profile, he gets user "dick"'s profile. In fact, all users logging in to the citrix server get dick's profile, with the added twist being user harry's yahoo messenger runs within dick's profile, which of course it shouldn't and never did. I've checked the "All Users" profile and "Default User" profile and they don't seem to be the problem. I've also renamed dick's profile to dick.bak and oddly enough, the symptoms persist. Has anyone observed this behaviour when using Citrix on Windows 2000 in a Samba controlled domain? Any ideas? Thanks, -- John P. Campbell <jcampbell@max-t.com> Maximum Throughput