Hi, When I try to do anything on my samba system a connection is made to IPC$, but this is mapped to a directory /root/tmp. This seems odd. To make matters worse ordinary users cannot access this directory, so the only user who can access the IPC$ share (ie, do anything at all) is the root user. What have I don wrong. I cannot find any reference to IPC$ being linked to a directory anywhere. Thanks
Hi, When I try to do anything on my samba system a connection is made to IPC$, but this is mapped to a directory /root/tmp. This seems odd. To make matters worse ordinary users cannot access this directory, so the only user who can access the IPC$ share (ie, do anything at all) is the root user. What have I don wrong. I cannot find any reference to IPC$ being linked to a directory anywhere. Thanks
I have a samba 2.2.7a on a linux server I have 2 shares, say shrA and shrB in smb.conf I force group grpA on share shrA, and group grpB on share shrB [shrA] path = /shares/dirA force group = grpA ... idem for B user userU is connected to both shares from a windows station he has a file fileF on his local disk C: he puts file fileF from his local disk on to shrA (via a mouse drag'n drop for example) on the server ls -l /shares/dirA shows : -rwxrwx--- userU grpA ... fileF then he puts file fileF from his local disk on to shrB (the same way) on the server ls -l /shares/dirB shows : -rwxrwx--- userU grpB ... fileF everything's fine till here no he erases shrB/fileF and copies fileF from shrA on to shrB again on the server ls -l /shares/dirB shows : -rwxrwx--- userU grpB ... fileF everything's fine till here again now if instead of moving/copying the file from one place to another he uses some kind of software's function "save as" (actually he works with adobe's photoshop) then the force group doesn't work anymore !!! he double-clicks on shrA/fileF, photoshop starts he changes whatever he wants in the image he goes to the menu bar and chooses "save as" and saves to shrB as fileF2 the problem is that now we get on the server ls -l /shares/dirB shows : -rwxrwx--- userU grpB ... fileF -rwxrwx--- userU grpA ... fileF2 despite the "force group = grpB" for share B and still more amazing, while photoshop was saving it was using a temporary file on shrB with the right group !!! only fileF2 was keeping its original group !!! any clue appreciated ! tia