Hi all, I'm trying to add a Unix group to Samba to test group mapping... At the beginning, I just wanted to map the Windows Domain Admins group to my Linux group, called domainadmins : "net getlocalsid", then "net groupmap add sid=<SID>-512 unixgroup=domainadmins" But here is what Samba returns : Group 1004 must exist exactly once in LDAP Okay, no pb, I just have to create the domainadmins group under Samba (into my LDAP directory), so : "net group ADD domainadmins -U smbadmin" (smbadmin is a Linux AND Samba user with uid/gid 0) Unfortunately, Samba returns this error message : return code = 50 Don't know what it means, but the group isn't added, if I try to list Samba groups : "net group -l -U smbadmin" The list is empty :(( Could someone help me with adding new (Unix-already-existing) group to Samba ? How could I map this group to the M$ "Domain admins" one ? Thank you very much ! Gana?l LAPLANCHE.