Hello, I have quandary, I, thought, that I had successfully gotten nmbd to respond to queries and provide information across subnets using the interfaces parameter in smb.conf : interfaces = hme0 But upon a reboot due to a power failure nmbd failed to start and logged this error: [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 3] nmbd/nmbd.c:(550) open_sockets: Broadcast sockets opened. [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 2] lib/interface.c:(81) added interface ip= bcast= nmask= [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 2] lib/interface.c:(81) added interface ip= bcast= nmask= [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(804) bind failed on port 137 socket_addr = Error = Cannot assign requested address [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:(139) nmbd_subnetdb:make_subnet() Failed to open nmb socket on interface for port 137. Error was Cannot assign requested address [2003/06/30 08:29:47, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:(872) ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting. Can someone provide an interpretation of this? Is the interfaces parameter correct? What is the correct entry? Background: OS: Solaris 9 SAMBA: 2.2.2 Netmasks: Sincerely: Mark French GIS Specialist NJ Geological Survey P.O. Box 427 29 Arctic Parkway Trenton, NJ 08625-0427 phone: 609-984-6587 fax: 609-633-1004 email: mark.french@dep.state.nj.us URL: http://www.njgeology.org