Newbie questions, I appreciate any reply. I have a Linux server with Samba installed and several WindowsNT/Linux dual boot computers. The server is connected to the DMZ of a firewall and all clients are connected to LAN ports of the firewall(SonicWall XPRS2). Users want one account to all computers including SSH to the server. Up to now, all Windows NT workstations are fine with Samba. The only and biggest problem is Linux clients. *For unknown reasons, the NFS can't go through firewall even I set NO restrictions for both DMZ->LAN and LAN-> DMZ directions. I checked many newsgroups and website, tried to recompile NFS with special support. But I failed. Also NFS over firewall is not secure as many gurus said. So I want to use Samba. *I tried Winbind but failed. The server log mentions that "call_nt_transact_ioctl: Currently not implemented." when the Linux clients was trying to connect. So I guess that the WinBind works with real Windows NT server only. Am I right? *I tried Pam_smb, but this can not mount user home automatically. *I tried to use NIS for user authentication and smbpwman( for mounting user home. smbpwman module keeps reporting wrong password and can not mount user home automatically. My debug codes show that the smbpwman module does get the encrypted password string(shadow string for current user). Can anyone give me some hints? Thank you.