There are several things you will need to do. This is only applicable to
Linux. If you have another Unix version, you will need to look in the
documentation for addition information. Some of it should be mad
permanent and others are temporary fixes.
In /etc/sysctl.conf file, add the following parameter
fs.file-max = 65536
This will set the maximum number of file descriptors for the system.
In /etc/security/limits.conf you will need to alter the following:
* soft nofile 1024
* hard nofile 16384
The 1024 represents the soft limit for each process. You may up this
term. The real one you need to change is the hard. This provides a
hardlimit of 16384 file descriptors allowed per process.
If you go to /proc/sys/fs there is a file-max. If you want to
temporarily (between boots) increase the limit, do
echo 100000 > file-max.
cat file-nr
The new number should show up as the last of the 3 numbers. I believe
the first number is the current number of descriptors allocated, 1431 is
the number in use, and the last is the maximum number of descriptors.
You may need to restart samba for the limits to take affect. Since you
altered the file-max temporarily, no reboot will be necessary. The
sysctl.conf will automatically set the file-max number when you reboot
the system.
Hope this helps.
Anton Rops wrote:
I get a message "File access is denied" on my W98 client and the
"ERROR! Out of file structures" in my smbd-log. I found out that we
exceeding the per process file descriptor limit.
We are using Samba version 2.0.10.
Does anyone know how we can fix this problem?
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Anton Rops
Joseph Loo <>
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