Hi ,
Recently our network is giving all my Samba users this message:
An error occured while reconnecting to : \\pelican\username
Microsoft Windows Network : The local device name is already in use
The connection has not been restored.
There is a RED X on mapped Samba network drive which does not go away
anymore after the connection.
the user gets this message when trying to "save as" a document. The
document however is saved with the changes, etc....
But we are constantly getting this message. I looked in Microsoft
it talks about Network drives being treated as OFFLINE connections. They
offer a patch, but I dont understand why this could all of a sudden
This was not happening before for the past many years. And now all of a
sudden??? any idea ? anyone else been getting this?
We are using Microsoft 2000 Active Directory as passwd server and Samba
2.0.6 running on SUN OS. I also upgraded Samba to 2.2.2 and still the
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Thank you
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