RedHat 7.0?
If you choose the standart installation of RH a software firewall
will be installed blocking the ports needed for samba. Have you
choosen security = low during the redhat install? If not, look for
ipchains or iptabels.
> OK! I'm sorry about this. As I wrote earlier I'm totally lost...
but I will
> try to
> explain the problem in steps bellow, ok.
> 1. I installed the rpm's for samba, Version 2.0.2a-ssl I think this is
> version
> distributed with redhat linux 7.0
> 2. Then I changed the parameters in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file,
> and in this file I added the folowing parameters.
> [global]
> netbios name = STRIKE
> workgroup = SKV (Domainname on my windows NT 4 domain samba is a
> part of)
> server string = Samba server
> security = user
> encrypt passwords = yes
> [tmp]
> comment = Temporary
> path = /tmp
> read only = no
> public = yes
> 3. Put the smbd and nmbd deamons up and running.
> 4. The computers didn't appear in network browser on my windows NT
> workstations
> 5. I looked in the diagnosis.txt and I figured that maybe I can't ping
> computers
> by name so I tried to do that and it didn't work, so I edited the
> files
> on my windows workstation and on the linux server, and when I did this
> than the
> linux computer become present on the network browser but with the
> computer name
> localhost.
> 6. I tried to connect to this computer and a error message stated that it
> a
> conflict, there is already a computer with the name localhost on the
> network.
> And this is not true, all other computers thats on my network are
> computer with
> names of who is the user of them. All the computers do have loopback
> addresses and
> this are stated localhost, but they shouldn't be a problem because
> isn't a public address.
> This is the steps I've maked, and it doesn't work, for some reason
I don?t
> think I have done anything that should be of any problem, but it does
> acctually get wrong.
> I hope this is more specific, what my problem is.
> Mvh / Best regards
> Daniel Andersson
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> R?dhusgatan 15, S-541 30 SK?VDE, SWEDEN
> Ph. +46 (0)500-47 10 10
> Fax. +46 (0)500-47 10 11
> Mob: +46 (0)709-22 39 06
> E-mail:
> Internet:
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Fr?n: Martyn Ranyard []
> Skickat: den 22 februari 2002 17:36
> Till: Daniel Andersson; Joel Hammer
> Kopia:
> ?mne: Re: SV: [Samba] Problem regarding installation
> You still haven't described your problem :
> Your original question seemed to ask what was wrong, when you could see the
> server.
> Your latest question is contradicting this and saying that NOW you can see
> the server, but doesn't say what isn't working.
> More specific, what are you clicking on, and what doesn't happen that
> expect to.
> At 03:46 PM 2/22/02 +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:
> >The diagnostis.txt file don't seem to solve this problem.
> >Now my samba server is now available for browsing, I dont know how I
> >solve this actually I'm totally lost I even tried to erase the rpm
file and
> >compiled a source file.
> >
> >Mvh / Best regards
> >Daniel Andersson
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------
> >R?dhusgatan 15, S-541 30 SK?VDE, SWEDEN
> >Ph. +46 (0)500-47 10 10
> >Fax. +46 (0)500-47 10 11
> >Mob: +46 (0)709-22 39 06
> >
> >E-mail:
> >Internet:
> >
> >
> >-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> >Fr?n: Joel Hammer []
> >Skickat: den 22 februari 2002 13:47
> >Till: Daniel Andersson;
> >?mne: Re: [Samba] Problem regarding installation
> >
> >
> >More info is needed.
> >What is the problem?
> >Have you walked through DIAGNOSIS.txt?
> >Joel
> >
> >On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 01:24:14PM +0100, Daniel Andersson wrote:
> > > My big problem is to install samba on a redhat linux 7.0 and get
this up
> >and
> > > running... maybe the smb.conf file is invalid but I can se the
> >server
> > > on network browser on my client system, a Windows 2000
> >Anyone
> > > out there able to help me with this problem?
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> >instructions:
> --------------
> Martyn Ranyard
> I am not a member of the samba team,
> and anything that I say may not be as
> accurate as a response from one of the
> team. I reply to save those more
> qualified time, which can more usefully
> be spent developing SAMBA further.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:
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