--On Friday, February 15, 2002 2:50 PM -0600 "Alfonso Lopez A."
<alopez@expert-linux.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> What I like to do seems very easy but I can't find it on any
> about samba..
> I want to run a shell script after a successfully logon to the PDC of a
> user.. the parameter could be something like this:
> logon shell script = /some/path/script.sh %U
> Off course, the shell script will run in the linux server.. (no like
> logon script that is a .bat file and will run in the client machine).
> I need this as a trigger for some things I want to do in the linux
> server.. and btw, a way to know if the user just log off too.. =)
> Is this supported by samba?
> Best Regards,
> Alfonso L?pez A.
Perhaps the "preexec", "postexec", "root preexec",
& "root postexec" settings might be able to accomplish what you
are asking?
- john