Dear, I've had a problem with my Samba Server. I've installed it in my FreeBSD 4.2 box. The script logon is running in the Windows 98, but it isn't mapping the drive. My script is test.bat and is written the following line into the script: NET USE F: \\SERVER\TEST When the script runs, it returns me that the share doesn't exist or is written wrong. Therefore, If I run the same command NET USE F: \\SERVER\TEST in a DOS prompt, it gets to map the drive. It's weird, because if it gets to map after logon why doesn't it get to map when the script logon is running? Regards Cleiton L. Siqueira Col?gio Monjolo (0xx45) 522-1915 Esta mensagem foi enviada pelo sistema MONJOLO WEBMAIL
"Cleiton L. Siqueira" <> schrieb:> Dear, > > > I've had a problem with my Samba Server. I've installed it in my FreeBSD 4.2 box. > The script logon is running in the Windows 98, but it isn't mapping the drive. > My script is test.bat and is written the following line into the script: > > NET USE F: \\SERVER\TEST > > When the script runs, it returns me that the share doesn't exist or is > written wrong. Therefore, If I run the same command NET USE F: > \\SERVER\TEST in a DOS prompt, it gets to map the drive.What happens if you double-click on the script? The batch file needs DOS CR-LF line endings. Bye, Frank
Cleiton, On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 07:52:09 -0800 (PST), Cleiton L. Siqueira wrote:>I've had a problem with my Samba Server. I've installed it in my >FreeBSD 4.2 box. The script logon is running in the Windows 98, but >it isn't mapping the drive. My script is test.bat and is written the >following line into the script:>NET USE F: \\SERVER\TEST>When the script runs, it returns me that the share doesn't exist or >is written wrong. Therefore, If I run the same command NET USE F: >\\SERVER\TEST in a DOS prompt, it gets to map the drive. >It's weird, because if it gets to map after logon why doesn't it get >to map when the script logon is running?It might be the Client Services are not fully up when the logon script is running. As a first attempt: Try inserting a PAUSE command before NET USE. Let the script run into the PAUSE command, wait a minute, then hit ENTER. If it works now, you know you will have to loop until services are fully up. Regards, Robert -- Sent using PMMail ( - fast, decent, email software; far better than Outlook. Try it sometime.