Hi there, I have a problem with samba (2.2.1a) in suse (7.3) linux (2.4.10). I can print, but it seems that there's no way for me to see the printing queue from a win98 client. Now I tried the lpq command from the shell and it all worked just fine. Please, I need your help, Andy.
This may involve lpd.perms. I would make lpd.perms a one line file for debugging purposes: DEFAULT ACCEPT I am not sure if you have to restart lpd to make the changes take effect. If that doesn't work, then you may need to change your smb.conf. I don't know which printing software you are using. I use lprng. I overkill in my printing share setup but I want to leave nothing to chance. Below is an example (you don't need the involved print command. /usr/bin/lpr -Plp -J'%J' %s;rm %s would work just fine. The -J parameter is to get the name of the print file from windows. I believe that name is the banner parameter which you can send explicitly when you print from linux. If you use -J, hopefully you won't see the smbxxxxx name in your print queue. I don't claim this is perfect or will work just right for you, and so you'll likely have to fiddle some. Joel [lp] comment = Raw Printer for Z53 path = /tmp create mask = 0700 guest ok = Yes hosts allow = 192.168. printable = Yes printing = lprng print command = echo %J %p %s >> /tmp/junkJ;\ a="`echo '%J' | sed "s/^.*- //"`" ;\ echo This is truncated $a >> /tmp/junkJ;\ /usr/bin/lpr -Plp -J"$a" %s;\ rm %s lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -Plp lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -Plp %j lppause command = /usr/sbin/lpc hold -Plp %j lpresume command = /usr/sbin/lpc release -Plp %j printer name = lp