I've spent quite some time trying to store large files on a samba share - I don't get it to work: Samba server: ------------- Linux 2.4.16, glibc 2.2.2, Suse 7.2 reiser and ext2 partitions, samba: - the orig. from the distrib., - a binary Suse upgrade, - self compiled 2.2.3 and 2.2.3.a the self compiled version shows: 1) ./configure ... checking if large file support can be enabled... yes 2) cc param: ... -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 ... 3) my smb.conf has the global option: large readwrite = Yes Client: ------- Win-2000, sp2, several applic.: backup, explorer, mpeg video stream all combination fail with a dialog box on windows: "the device reported a error on a request to write ... Error reported: Unknown Error" always at the 2 GB boundary What do I miss here ???? Any help is greatly appreciated, Heinz