Jeff, you wouldn't by chance be using the Rules in Outlook to move your
messages to specific folders when they are received are you? If so, you may
have two rules that each message satisfies, (i.e, move messages with Samba
in subject to samba folder, and move messages with Samba in received from to
samba folder) this would cause each Samba list message to be sent once for
each rule. This happened to me when I was setting up rules.
Don Zajic
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Jeffrey D. Means
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:32 PM
To: 'Samba Listserv'
Subject: [Samba] anyone else getting duplicate messages??
I'm getting two of every message sent to the list is this happening to
Jeff Means
CIO PicoTech
Unix is userfriendly it is just selective of it's users
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