I was really happy to see that someone has created a forum for Samba at the Tek-Tips web site. I use the Tek-Tips site for other subjects, especially Visual Basic and Unix and find it absolutely brilliant for getting smart advice quickly. The Tek-Tips site is very well maintained, and I would like to see the Samba forum become as popular as some of the other subjects. This mailing list is very useful, and I don't want to offend anyone, but I think that the Tek-Tips forum has the potential to really help Samba users and I also believe it could help the Samba community to communicate more efficiently. Anyway, thats my rave. Hope no-one is offended :-) oh, did I mention Tek-Tips supports nice emoticons too! lol. So, please please please check out the Samba forum at Tek-Tips. It will only take off if people use it, but this kind of community forum is what Samba is all about. check it out : go to tek-tips.com and search for a forum with the word Samba :-) ************************************************************ Opinions contained in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Queensland Department of Main Roads, Queensland Transport or National Transport Secretariat, or endorsed organisations utilising the same infrastructure. If you have received this electronic mail message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the message from your computer. ************************************************************