> I have just installed the IRIX binary version (2.2.2) on an SGI Indy called
> which is running IRIX 6.5.10. I then started to work through the tests in
> DIAGNOSIS.txt documents and all was well until test 8. To try to get
things going I
> reduced the smb.conf file to the following:
> [global]
> workgroup = indy2grp
> [homes]
> guest ok = no
> read only = no
> [tmp]
> path = /tmp
> read only = yes
> Test 8 uses the DOS command: "net view \\indy2" on a PC. The PC
is running Windows
> 98 SE and is logged in to a Novell server with the same username and
password as is
> available on indy2. (Note that "smbclient -L indy2
-U'username%password'" on indy2
> works fine.) net view fails with "Error 86: The specified network
password is not
> correct. Type the correct password....".
> Eventually, after looking at the smbd code I switched on debugging at level
5 and
> smbd logs the error "Null passwords not allowed" at
smbd/password.c line 592.
> What am I doing wrong? Surely my Windows 98 system should be using the
> which I used in the Netware login?
For a test of your samba install and your network:
Take a win98 machine that has never ever seen any netware stuff and
try again. We had, and I heard it from other sources, a couple of
mysterious problems with samba and clients that also talked netware.
Win9x has the problem that you can not supply a user name in the net
commandes or in the connect box (no "connect as"!) Make sure that you
have logged into the pc with the user name needed for samba. Try net
use ..., the browsing stuff is buggy designed by M$
What about encrypted passwords? If you have not set "encrypted
passwords = yes" in smb.conf (and set up the smbpasswd file !!!) you
have to use the registry key to allow win98 to send cleartext
password to samba. I would do so if you don't have reasons for hight
security or if you need to put nt, w2k pc's into a samba controlled
> Phil.
> ---------------------------------------
> Phil Chambers (postmaster@exeter.ac.uk)
> University of Exeter
> --
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